Welcome to my web site.

Whether you desire to improve your health, find happiness, feel contentment, accumulate more money or merely learn how to accomplish those objectives (while expending the least amount of time, energy and money) we all want to be successful at something... right?

That is why this web site exists: to help us in our efforts.

Since most of us live, work and socialize within groups, our qualities of health, wealth and happiness are probably being affected by degrees of fulfillment experienced in those areas of life by other people around us (and in our civilization as a whole).

So, after the next four pages of content that you can use to help yourself as an individual, there are additional sections of information that you can use to help you to overcome some of the more abstract, societally oppositional, energies that are often counteracting our efforts to become successful.

If, while you are exploring this web site, you would like to correspond with me for any reason, feel free to click on to the More... tab (at the end of the array of such tabs at the top of each page) and there you will see an embedded form through which you can transmit to me a message.

Until then, I hope that you enjoy visiting and that you...

Have a Great Day!


Erik du Fresne

San Diego,  California, U.S.A.

808 292 7531


May 27, 2017:

Responsibilities of Royalty:






Duty = what we owe to God.

Piety = what we owe to our Families.

Amity = what we owe to our Friends.

Charity = what we owe to our Hueman Race.

Equanimity = the Wisdom (the discernment) needed to effectively and
harmoniously balance those four obligations, illustrated below:

For information about GOD feel free to visit the following websiteat:


December 4, 2016:

Formula For Success = Find + Make + Teach (Peace):

1) Find (inner) Peace.

2) Make Peace (with others).

3) Teach (others to Create) Peace:

May 26, 2017:

Three Aspects of Discernment of (Legal or Criminal) Liability:

Effect: How severe of a negative effect did the accused cause?

Intent: What effect was the accused intending to: cause?

Motive: What are the "reason"s why the accused decided to proceed up on the course of action that resulted in the negative effect(s) being caused?:

December 3, 2016:

Here is a diagram that I created to illustrate:

A: Method of: Obtaining What You Want in Life
(by: using your mind {your: "Intellect"} to):

Improve Your: Physical Health

(which will help you to):

Create a better body
(through which your Mind can):
project: Beauty
which will:
Potentiate your ability to: Positively: Influence Other People
so that you can:
Make greater (and: greater) Contributions to the hueman race
and (thus) be: worthy of receiving:

More: Compensation.

(while at the: same time):

Improve your physical Health
(so that you can):
Build a Stronger Body
(through which you will be able to):
Exert greater (and: greater) Effort
so that you can:
Make Greater (and: greater) Contributions to the hueman race
and (thus) be: worthy of: receiving:

More: Compensation:

October 12, 1016

While reading a: book titled: “Dynamic Freedoms”, I could not help but to: notice a: reference made in it to: the: fact that (in: the: Bible) an: angel is: described (by a mere mortal) as having: “four faces”... the: face of a:

Hueman being (referred to as: "a man").

And all so the faces of:

a Bull

an Eagle


a Lion.

My: comprehension of such: symbolism is that the: face of: each of those: four: creatures represents a (particular): aspect (or: a state of: experientiality) of: a: person, with the: face of the:

"Man": represents: some one who has reached the: age of: physical maturity.

Bull: represents the responsibility of each (such) person to: carry a: burden (and/or: contribute) in: Life

Eagle: represents a person who: knows (or: invests the: energy {and the effort} to: discover) The: Truth.

and: the:

Lion: represents: the: aspect of: a: person who is: worthy of: respect (lest they: yell ).

(More on the: first page of my main: web site {which you can navigate to by: clicking} on):

(More on the: "Spirit" page of this: web site {which you can navigate to by: clicking}):


August 8, 2016:

I am firmly convinced that: all of the (various) absurdly: expensive (and: inhumane) wars that have been (and are being) perpetrated by our nations federal (so called) "government" (against a number of: Islamic nations overseas) are (very likely) going to prove to have been the single most powerfully provocatorily destructive influence leading to:

- a (possible) second (socioeconomically based) "civil" war (here with the {technical} borders of: "authority" of our "nations" federal {so called} "government")

and (even) quite possibly:

- an eventual break up of our nation in to a number of smaller: competing (possibly even: warring) regional (mini) nations...

unless we do some thing to avert such a fate (which you can participate in by: visiting the: "War" and: "Peace" pages of this web site, through):



July 26, 2016:

I will try to elaborate more on this topic later on to day, but I must express that I have a large number of very serious doubts about the value of most (nonemergency) invasive surgeries.

(And, to me: a real "emergency" is a situation in which some thing absolutely must be done immediately to save the actual life of the person {lest they [actually] die}.

If the imminent death of a person is not a real threat, then I am of the firm opinion that most invasive surgeries should be stringently avoided).

I have presented some alternative approaches on the "Body" page of this web site:


July 20, 2016:

To paraphrase what (Polish/German) philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche opined :

"While opposing monsters you must be careful not to become one of them yourself."

While reflecting up on that quote the realization occurred to me that it is at the exact moment that we decide to succumb to the unwise conditioned responses that too many of us have been taught (which often incorrectly attempt to convince us that fighting is some sort of a: "virtue" {particularly when it is against those people [or: phenomena] that we may arrogantly perceive our selves to be "justified" in fighting against}) and then decide to actually recklessly fight against any one of: our other fellow hueman beings, it is then that we are most likely to begin to transmogrify in to a degraded version of our selves that is most likely to be perceived to be a: "monster".

So, I advise all of my friends (and family) not to fight against any one (or: any thing) but rather to try to continue to work together to create the necessary solutions to the problems that we may some times experience during the course of our daily interactions with one an other, so that we do not devolve in to the exact same "types" of people that we may some times believe (or: feel) that we do not like (or {worse}: to wake up one day to realize that {in addition to not liking any of the people that we may feel have hurt [or offended] us} we have {all so} assumed the additional burden of realizing that we {too} are one of: "them").

July 18, 2016:

If one wanted to waste ones time dissecting (and: expounding up on) all of the (alleged) mistakes that were (all most certainly: inadveretntly) made by our predecessors (in the past) then we could probably squander the next one thousand years discussing them but then: how would we ever be able to find (or {more accurately} make) the time required to effectively confer among our selves, so that we can attempt to conceive of (and: administer) the necessary proposed (hopefully: possible) solutions to our nations manifold problems (the accomplishment of which could {at least: theoretically} make us "better" leaders than the people we presume to replace)?

So, I am of the firm opinions that:

- a more rational approach would probably be to: attempt to conceive of policies more likely (than: not) to be subsequently perceived as having been (actual) solutions to those manifold problems,

and that:

- while we are occupied with that particular task, to encourage people to calmly (and: respectfully) express their objections to current policies (not solely to {nor: ignobly at} our nation's current President) but rather through their (and: our) local, elected representatives (who will then {theoretically: presumably} reconvey that crucial information to those men {and: women} above {or: [geographically] removed from} them in the national, elected, political hierarchy that we {generally} accept as a{n imperfect} modulating construct that many of our ancestors conceived of {in an attempt to: counterbalance the existence of their subjective feelings of inner turmoil [and: chaos]}).

July 17, 2016:

In the study of: "chemistry", destructively unstable atoms are generally referred to as: "free radicals".

Is the ability to effect chaos in (or: on) to the orbitals of the electrons rotating around (previously) stable atoms evidence of the unstable particular conglomerations: "freedom"?

If so, then we should not be at all surprised when some other hueman beings "hate 'us' for" perpertrating the psychological equivalent of such in the realm of: hueman affairs.

July 15, 2016:

I Pledge Allegiance to:

no thing

and to:

no one

except to do my very best to:

do the right thing (at all times)

to the:

very best of my ability


treating all other hueman beings the exact same (ideally: benevolent) way that I would like to be treated (if our: roles {and: situations} were: reversed).

July 14, 2016:

The federal "government" of this "united" states of america offering free medical ("health") coverage to: poor people (whose biggest {documented} financial challenge is: overcoming the {frequently: near impossibility of securing affordable housing}) is equivalent to: throwing a seventy five pound gold bar to: some one who is: drowning.

(Was that an intentional attempt to create the appearance of trying to "help" such sufferers {with out actually doing so [yet <paradoxically> still squandering the same amount of tax payer money that it would cost to actually help them]})?

July 12, 2016:

Diametrically Opposed Spheres of Account Ability:

(the {potentially volatile interaction of which aspiring social revolutionaries may want to contemplate be fore impulsively engaging in their endeavours {lest "they" [or: you?] relinquish your [or: their] actual life [or: lives] while doing so}):

Isolationary Perspective:

For years I have heard various types of instigators denounce every one from:

- individuals


- entire nations

who merely want to be left a lone as:

(inferentially: "craven") "isolationists"

with out bothering to acknowledge the fact that:

People who are not a part of the problem... are NOT a part of the problem.

Yet (apparently) we are expected to tolerate the (seemingly: perennial) re-emergence of various people (and groups of: people) that seem to be determined to insist that all of the individual members of a particular category of people should be hated, pressured, and coerced in to in stead adopting a:

"Revolutionary" perspective, by insisting that: people who are not part of the Solution are part of the problem.

How ever, one of my favorite reggae musicians expresses the observation through some of his lyrics that:

"Babylonians try to recruit", with the assumption being made that the hearer will recall that that ancient nation is (to this day) held in contempt be.cause of its war mongering and torture of:

- enemy combatants


- prisoners of war.

As if those two facts a lone are not troubling enough, there is all the fact that adopting (even a relatively anemic version of) that paradigm all so puts one in the potentially awkward position of being found to be guilty of: "disturbing the peace", which in my home State of Rhode Island is an offense that is punishable by up to:

One year of involuntary confinement in a state prison.

So, it might be help full for those determined to effect desired alterations in the function of group social structures to attempt to do so through the implementation of the following method:

1: Intelligently, calmly, minimally engage with other people (in such ways as to peacefully bring about desired social changes {with out permanently, negatively impacting any one elses [or: their loved ones] lives}),

2: Respectfully and politely accept other people's expressions of description of how (such prospective) revolutionaries are negatively impacting their (and/or: their loved ones) lives,

3: Make amends for any harm that you (or that the actions of any one whose actions that you are responsible for) may have caused.

4: Modify your approaches to interacting with the people that you have offended so that you are able to interact with them in ways that either:

- do not harm any one


- create mutually beneficial out comes.

5: If some one (or {particularly: a very large group} of enraged some ones) vociferously demands that you (or the imbeciles) that you are with leave the premises, I would advise you to (all) do so (unless you are willing to {possibly: die in a [potentially: very agonizing, and/or: publicly humiliating] way.


Be cause the idea that:

"People who are not part of the solution are part of the problem".

Is an (inherently) antagonistic one that a lot of antiwar advocates adopted during the antiwar (and Civil Rights) movements that unfolded during the nineteen sixties, and that standard may be applicable to: particular people (in: particular situations {at: particular times}) while at other times: it may not be.

So, it is imperative to recognize the fact that the way we conduct our selves when attempting to do (or teach others to do) "the right thing" often conveys additional (often: non verbally implied) instructions that some people may:

- adopt


- replicate...

so if any one (of: us{?}) ever finds that our (assumedly) sincere efforts to help other people are beginning to birth feelings of resentment in:

- our selves


- others...

beyond what we (and/or: they) are able to tolerate (a phenomenon that {ideally} every one should be able to identify before they begin to be come infected with unmanageable feelings of hatred,


worse: actually begin to express such sentiments in ways that could cause additional others to be come infected with similarly unmanageable feelings of hatred, then: it is time to rest (lest we find our selves in the terrible position of having to accept that {de spite our [often eloquently expressed] desires to "make things better"} we may have inadvertently made things worse).

June 18, 2016:

I am of the opinion that the current practice of convincing prospective college and university students to borrow money to pay for the tuition, room, and board costs incurred while attempting to earn degrees (as it is currently configured {which holds student borrowers responsible for repaying such loans with added <"compounded"> interest added to the original amount borrowed}) is absurd and tantamount to the establishment a new, subtler form of slavery, but this time one under which the chains of those so financially enslaved are forged (not out of metal {as in previous incarnations of such involuntary servitude}) but rather through the deployment of psycholinguistic subterfuge and mathematically based expoitation).

June 17, 2016:

While reflecting up on the phenomenon of relatively significantly large numbers of other men in this so called: " 'united" states of America(n)" nation expressing their aspirations to emulate "thugs" while conducting their business and social activities here with in the borders of authority of our nations federal government, I could not help but recollect that that suddenly (mindlessly) trendy label was originally crafted by British authorities in colonial India to refer to a multihundred year long hereditary cult of robbers and murderers in that tropical nation who had (if the accounts compiled by those British investigatory agents at that time are accurate) adopted the ritual of providing for their (and their families) material needs by ruthlessly ambushing traveling musicians and merchants who were on their way to the commercial center of Bombay to:

Sell their products to


Perform their musical (and/or: theatrical) creations for the entertainment of:

The residents of that metropolis.

Apparently those same British investigatory agents stationed in that former colonial territory of their nations empire discovered (and managed to effectively challenge and disempower) that hereditary cult of robbers and murderers, and I would not be at all surprised if the same type of detailed examination of the activities and motives of many of the men (and other ostensably "respectable" citizens) perpetrating their business and social activities here with in the borders of authority of our nations federal government may be about to commence.

June 16, 2016:

I believe that all violence is undesirable, but I am particularly convinced that violence knowingly (and intentionally) perpetrated by people significantly stronger than the person (or people) being attacked (to the point where the targeted individual{s} is {or are} no longer able to effectively defend him {or her or them} self {or selves} is indicative of either:

Lack of accurate perception by


Lack of sound moral character in...

The person (or people) perpetrating such violence.

June 15, 2016:

I have be come convinced that all of the cyclically repeated wars of aggression that have been (and apparently: continue to be) perpetrated by our nations federally elected officials through their proxy assassins known as the " 'united' states military" are a symptom indicating that either:

A significant percentage of our planets population have so enraged a significant enough percentage of our nations elected (and unelected) governmental manipulators that enough of them have conspired (and may very well still be conspiring) to conscript one group of our planets people to kill off an other (officially targeted "enemy") group of our planets people, both of whom those supposed "leaders" either:

Do not care about




or that our nations elected officials are so simple minded that they reflexively lobby to attack the people of any foreign nation that seemingly any one (at any particular time, for any particular "reason" here in this "western" {Anglo/Germano} psychosociocultural sphere that many of us happen to have been born in to}) can seem to conjure up to present to the unthinking masses presumptuously administered by our nations federal government as a "valid" "reason" to do so.

I am not sure which possible explanation is the most troubling of the two, but (as is the case with many logical conundrums) the actual explanation may be a combination of:

Both of those possibilities

as well as:

The influence of (still to be ascertained) possibly additionally third, fourth, fifth (and even: more) contributing factors.

June 13, 2016:

Polish/German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche opined in one of his many books that:

"While opposing monsters you must be careful not to become one of them yourself."

I agree, and feel compelled to express the additional opinion that rather than continuing to refer to other people through the utililization of such inflammatorily divisive and dehumanizing labels, that we might in stead be wiser to attempt to comprehend the minds (and motives) of the people that we are tempted to so derisively label.

Yet (for some reason) in our nations so called: "culture" too many of us have been ritually conditioned to want to fight against other people that we may perceive to be (or may have been taught are): "monsters" when (in fact) many such people are usually merely fellow hueman beings who may have done (or said) some thing (or things) that may have frightened us (or others).

And yet (as I wrote in a past article): if we really do want to live at peace with one an other then it would probably be intelligent for us to attempt do our best to:

Live fearlessly

while at the same time:

Do our best to never, ever cause any one else to ever feel a'fraid.

And yet, for some reason, an other feature of our nations so called: "culture" is the fact that it has all so some how be come perceived to be some what "acceptable" to intentionally cause other people to feel a fraid.

And yet many of us then find our selves wondering why our so called: "civilization" has be come so infected with so much internal dischord that even seemingly "random?" perpertrations of (too often: fatal) violence seem to have be come a nearly ubiquitous (and accepted?) aspect of our nations daily "life".

But are our experiences of life really supposed to be infected with so much fear and hatred?

I do not think so.

So, what is it that causes so many of the tens of millions of people residing here with us with in the borders of authority of our nations federal government (which so arrogantly encroaches up on the land surface of this planet of ours) to feel so a fraid?

The answer to that question is probably very intensely individualistic (and thus: subjective) and so there is probably no one (specific) reason why so many people feel so afraid, but I have formed the opinions that:

The continued perpetration of violent wars of aggression fought against other ("foreign") nations situated up on other areas of the land surface of our planet as perpetrated by our nations federal government are probably a very strong motivating factor in the perpetuation of a national "culture" in which violently opposing others that we may disagree with has been allowed to take root,

and that:

Strenuous efforts should be made to attempt to transmogrify our nations "culture" un till it begins to resemble some thing which little children would feel totally comfortable attempting to live (and mature) with in.

So, per haps we would be wise to attempt to do every thing that we can to decrease the levels of fear, pain, anger, and hatred that (we? and) too many tens of millions of other people on this planet appear to be living with?

If you would like to try to help put a stop to some of the too numerous wars that our nations federal government has been perpetrating against too many other "foreign" nations on other parts of the land surface of our planet "over seas" and by doing so: hopefully help to decrease the levels of fear that the residents of those targeted nations appear to be living in (and angrily reacting to) then perhaps you will   consider visiting the "Peace" page of this web site, where you will find more information about some of the motivating factors that often appear to be some of the main root causes of such perennial conflicts and some simple action steps that you can complete in order to attempt to help bring all of the fighting to an end?

June 6, 2016:

In most of the conflicts I have studied there appear to have been at least two diametrically oppositional paradigms responsible for generating the antagonism that subsequently erupted in to the social chaos that often appears to be "racial", "religious", or "political" dischord (and the unmodulated existence of which is likely to continue to be a threat to manifest in to future violent conflicts {and possibly even more wars}).

First: groups of people who look very similar to one an other may find them selves suddenly subject to powerfully dispersive influences be cause of a few factors, among them being:

The (likely: often) subconscious fear that the chromosomes of children born to male/female couples (both of whom are perceived to be members of that loosely affiliated {subjectively perceived: "group"}) might contain strands of DNA known, suspected, or believed to be responsible for causing diseases that are feared to be genetic in origin,


Conscious (or subconscious) recollections of destructive psychoemotional interference caused by members of that group to people who perceive both:



Their influensors...

to be members of that same particular group may cause the people who were so disproportionately disempowered to desire to either:

Leave that group that they perceived them selves to be members of (and attempt to integrate them selves in to an other group)


Invite members of an other group of people (perceived to be morally, socially, culturally, religiously, or politically different {and even, possibly: "superior"} in to the living space traditionally populated by people who resemble both:

the victims of past trauma


their influensors (or persecutors)...

in physical (or cultural) appearance.

How ever, some groups (for various practical {"economic" or biological [a.k.a.: "romantic"] reasons}) are some times not able to peacefully tolerate the presence of anomalously appearing "foreigners" in their midst and as a result some times violent conflict can result.

I think it is in every bodies best interests if we all do our best to try to refrain from identifying, marginalizing, or demonizing others who may be vulnerable to being singled out on the basis of phenotypically identifiable characteristics, and try to accept every body, regard less of their physical appearance.

June 1, 2016:

A particular French Hindu woman (who will remain un-named be cause some of her ideas are so potentially socially destructive that I fear them) wrote a book in which she postulated that there are four types of men:

Men who are:

In Time

Above Time

Against Time


Out of time.

My comprehension is that men who are:

"In Time": are synchronized with the cycles of family life

"Above Time": are removed from family life

"Against Time": are hostile to family life

and (if they proceed along that unjustly oppositional path long enough):

"Out of time": (or) are about to die.

One (or more) of the members of the rock and roll group "Tesla" wrote, recorded, and performed a song titled: "Man Out of Time" and it appears that the author(s) of that song were likely referring to the fate of famous scientist (and engineer): Nicola Tesla, who after discovering an alternative method of electrical energy current transmission (some even {reputedly: wire less} began to design and build power transmission stations that could project "death rays" at enemies over long distances, and he died soon there after.

Interestingly, Mister Tesla appears to be merely one of a number of accomplished engineers who expired prematurely while experimenting with (and attempting to manufacture) functioning weapons of mass destruction, with noted rocket propulsion scientist Jack Parsons reputedly being killed by a self created explosion he detonated up on him self in his garage laboratory (allegedly during {or around} the time that he was collaborating with the founder of the controversial "religion" known as: "scientology": (L. Ron Hubbard) on some thing apparently sinister that the latter referred to in a letter as: "Babalon working").

In Ras Tafarian theology and discussion much attention is paid to the idea that the federal government of the United States of America is (or was) a contemporary version of the cruel and destructive empire of "Babylon" mentioned in the Old Testament of the Bible.

Since the "United" States of America is (in actuality) a geograpically situated, nebulous politicoeconomic construct encompassing a situated hueman population of about three hundred and twenty million people (many tens of millions of whom have radically different perceptions of what it means to be a member of the "same nation" than many tens of millions of others here) it is more likely that such critics are referring to the entrenched system of white supremacy that has been a (largely unconscious) aspect of our nations ruling class for approximately the last four hundred years.

While every body is free to believe what ever they want to believe (ir-regardless of how absurd their beliefs are [or may ultimately prove to be]) it is clear from examining the reputed fates of the two scientists mentioned previously that malevolent intentions will (eventually and: unavoidably) rebound back up on those who conjure up such destructive forces (as iconic personages ranging from the most bloodthirsty despotic dictators to even lovable cartoon characters such as: "Mickey Mouse" {of motion picture fame "Fantasia"}) appear to have discovered.

May 31, 2016:

When attempting to improve ones mood it may first be help full to acknowledge the fact that much of the vitality that we generally associate with feeling "normal" is believed to be the result of establishing the proper balance of hormones in our brains. Since many billions of dollars (and many millions of hours of labor) have been expended in to attempts to engineer, prescribe, obtain, and ingest molecules known as "S.S.R.I."s [allegedly: "selective serotonin" reuptake inhibitors {such as "prozac"] believed to be able to help people experience greater degrees of happiness in their lives) it only makes sense for us to invest the time to examine those molecules (and their effects) in detail.

In the field of psychiatry it has been generally accepted that raising brain levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin in depressed patients will "elevate" their mood. How ever, when I ingested an S.S.R.I. in the past I did not notice my self feeling happier, but only more energized. Since a hueman beings feelings of being energized are generally believed to be the result of the elevation of their brains levels of excitatory neurotransmitters such as adrenaline (a.k.a.: "epinephrine") and/or noradrenaline (a.k.a.: "norepinephrine) there appears to be some (as yet to be determined) causal link between chemically provoking peoples brain levels of serotonin to increase and witnessed apparent potentiation of such previously mentioned excitatory neurotransmitters.

My fear is that synthetic medications being marketed as "S.S.R.I."s are not actually exerting their effects through the serotonin/melatonin conversion/reconversion process, but in fact may actually instead be artificially stimulating patients adrenal glands to release un-naturally large quantities of the previously mentioned excitatory neurotransmitters (adrenaline and/or noradrenaline) excessive levels of which are responsible for the "fight or flight" response typically characteristic of states of anxiety, and which some times are allowed by their experiencors to transmutate in to the perpetration of violence (whether against them selves [via: suicide] or against others [via: assault {and even: homicide}]).

(All though it has become conventional to refer to molecules such as serotonin as "neurotransmitters", such molecules are [in fact] hormones, and as many people are undoubtedly aware, when a person hormones are not balanced, some times unpredictable effects can be witnessed.

It is all so interesting to note that the amino acid "tryptophan" (and it's precursor: 5-hydroxy-tryptophan) reputedly facilitate the production of serotonin in ingestors bodies, yet when I ingested the latter of those substances I experienced feelings of tranquilty and serenity (more remeniscient of what one might refer to as mood "elevation") rather than the energetic (yet anhedonic) feelings I experienced while ingesting prozac.

If prozac (and other S.S.R.I.s) actually (only) artificially provoke the accumulation of serotonin in ingestors brains and serotonin precursors (such as: tryptophan [and 5-hydroxytryptophan] are converting in to serotonin in ingestors brains [as has been claimed] then what would explain the difference in effects that I (and I believe, others) experienced when alternately (separately) ingesting those different molecules?

I am tempted to ignore this phenomena, but when I reflect up on the fact that a disproportionately high percentage of the perpetrators of (apparently repeated) mass murder sprees perpetrated with fire arms here "out west" were ingesting those previously mentioned (what I suspect are actuall: excitatory) S.S.R.I.s (presumably in attempts to eradicate their persistent feelings of sadness) I can not help but notice a correlation between sudden out bursts of violence perpetrated by people categorized as "depressed" (which is counterintuitive, be cause people diagnosed as Depressed are generally perceived to be lethargic and to my awareness sudden perpetration of violence is generally equated with correlating with the "fight or flight" responses generally believed to be symptomatic of elevated levels of adrenaline (and/or noradrenaline), not serotonin. 

It is clear to me that more research remains to be conducted in to these phenomena, but to reiterate a point elucidated earlier in this article: when you reflect up on the fact that that "neurotransmitter" serotonin is actually the diurnal hormonal analogue of the noctural hormone melatonin (relatively high levels of which are believed to exist during times of sleep) I am of the opinion that the reflexively routine prescription of such "antidepressants" (in a presumably well intentioned attempt to artificially deprive patients of their desire to sleep "excessively") may actually be injurious and that attempts to coerce depressed patients in to ingesting such synthetic stimulants may be a violation of the Hippocratic Oath that all doctors are required to affirm before being admitted in to the medical profession in this nation, which is that (when attempting to help patients) one must first:

Do No Harm.

For those (and other) reasons, I am all so of the opinion that it might be helpful for us to begin to refer to the artificially provoked transmutation of the (technically "narcotic") hormone melatonin in to serotonin as a form of mood "stimulation" (rather than "elevation") be cause it appears to me that too many ingestors of such medications appear to be exhibiting potentially dangerous symptoms of un-natural adrenal gland stimulation, such as:

Accelerated rate of heart beat

Profuse sweating


and even:


or worse:


Displays of violent aggression perpetrated by people in this nation against other hueman beings are not uncommon, and I can not help but notice the appearance of a correlation between seemingly "random" outbursts of (too often fatal) violence perpetrated by too many of our nations people against others, such as their:



Family members

and even:

Total strangers...

(and increasingly {in what appears to be an [intentional or unintentional?] attempt to displace the predictable eruptions of rage exhibited by more and more of the tens of millions of people in this nation who have been economically exploited [and defrauded] by too many of our nations business, religious, academic, corporate, and governmental "leaders" during the last few decades} against the people of foreign nations {as too many of our nations disgruntled men [and even more disturbingly: women] are being routinely misguided in to the various branches of our nations military and domestic police forces, and then sent off to attack others}).

I am of the opinion that all such displays of aggression are unjust and that rather than continuing to allow our nations presumed "leaders" to continue to adhere paradigms in which millions of our nations people are seen as merely disposable pawns that can be chemically manipulated and forced to work for our nations financially rapacious multinational corporations (or sent off to fight, die, kill, or be gravely wounded while defending the financial interests of said corporations) that we should instead petition our nations "leaders" to stop perpetrating all of the wars that our nation has been fighting against other nations on this planet for (at least) the last decade, and I have included some easy, simple action steps that visitors to this web site can complete on the "Peace" page of this web site an attempt to help pressure our elected officials to change the way they are doing thing. And for those who feel as if they may need to ingest a substance in order to be able to gracefully handle their feelings in response to the conditions that have been so recklessly cultivated by our nations "leaders" in our various nations (and in our world as a whole) I have included some more information that I hope will shed some light on to the chemical genesis of illnesses such as depression, as well as some links to some books and some natural, over the counter (O.T.C.) remedies that may be able to help people seeking to legally elevate their mood on the "Mind", "Body", and "Spirit" pages of this web site.)

(That article was originally published on May 15, 2016).

May 14, 2016:

All of the apparently recurring conflicts seemingly perenially witnessed between (what appear to be) often intractably oppositional factions with in our collective hueman race have persuaded me that true greatness is the ability to convince your enemies to assume a stance of neutrality towards you, and to convince those who feel so ambivalently towards you to be come your friends. As time has elapsed I have all so be come increasingly convinced that if I am able to perform that feat repeatedly (for as many decades of my life as I possibly can) then I will be able to consider my self to have displayed an acceptable level of competence.

However, since I seem thus far to have been largely incapable of comprehending (and thus effectively deploying) the constructs of any other language(s) besides English (and intermediate Spanish) during my often anemic attempts to facilitate the establishment of shared sentiments of peace between formerly conflicting groups of people, the idea occurred to me that perhaps there are others who are (or could be come) fluent in Arabic (or Russian, or whatever particular language any of the warring parties involved in some of the most recent conflicts witnessed on our planet speak) that might be able to more effectively utilize their linguistic (and diplomatic) talents to try to encourage all of the various factions seemingly perpetually at odds with one other to stop fighting, and in stead try their best to coexist peacefully?

May 13, 2016:

I regret to admit that I lack the persistent self discipline required to attempt to learn to speak Russian (or Arabic or Hebrew) so that I (or other Americans fluent in such languages) could attempt to utilize those skills to peacefully and diplomatically negotiate with the other nations that our nations business, political, and military "leaders" seem to keep finding them selves in nearly seemingly perpetual conflict with, be cause all though I can't presume to speak for any one else I must confess that I did find it mildly annoying that up on entering in to the local, nationally known (apparently "Muslim" staffed) convenience store to buy yet another sugar free energy drink, I was repeatedly met with hateful glares seemingly cast at me with the implicit (yet incorrect) assumption that I (and I alone) some how have the omnipotently magical ability to bring all of the wars our nations government and military are engaged in against foreign nations over seas, to an abrupt, and immediate, end.

Since I don't like to disappoint any one (and since I am fairly certain that I alone do not have the power to bring about such positively beneficial humanitarian changes in our nations foreign policy all by my self) I would like to request your assistance in accomplishing such a diplomatic feat. If you would like to try to help make my (and presumably your (and your loved ones)) sojourns in to our nations local convenience stores safer (and hopefully more enjoyable) then perhaps you will consider visiting the "Peace" page of this web site, where you will find information elucidating what I perceive to be the historical genesis of many of the wars that our nations military is currently fighting against foreign nations in too numerous areas of the land surface of our planet, as well as some simple action steps that you can complete that will (if engaged by enough people in our nation, repeatedly enough) help to bring all of those such wars to an end.

May 4, 2016:

While attempting to accomplish our goals we may sometimes encounter unexpected resistance, whether of the internal variety (as a result of our own psychological reluctance to continue to invest the time, energy, or money required to accomplish our intended goals) or of the external variety: such as the type embodied through the various oppositional energies we may some times perceive are being malevolently projected at us by others in our various environments.

If any one of us ever feels as if some one else is projecting negative (oppositional) energy at us, rather than wasting our time, energy, and money in to efforts to oppose them in return, perhaps we might be able to obtain better results while attempting to accomplish our original intended goals if we (in stead) more deeply (and concentratively) focus our own Minds internally, where we may be able to locate the awarenesses required to allow us to continue to proceed with the implementation of our original plans?

April 28, 2016:

This nations wealth distribution has become so extremely unbalanced, that at even some public Universities a significant percentage of those schools students own (and drive) high end luxury automobiles, while a significant other percentage of those same colleges students are so poor that they are reduced to having to regularly petition their schools "food bank"s for subsistence quantities of groceries to eat.

I find that phenomena to be disturbing, and believe that all colleges and Universities here in the United States of America should help their disadvantaged students apply for (and get approved to receive) Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (S.N.A.P.) ("food stamp") benefits, which they can utilize to purchase the food (and beverages) they need in order to healthily continue to pursue their chosen courses of study.

April 21, 2016:

One of the impetii that reputedly provoked a previous executive administration of our nations federal government to expand the ongoing (and absurdly titled) “war on 'terror'” thirteen years ago was a policy paper authored by a neoconservative Washington D.C. research group titled: “Project for a New American Century” in which that groups members advocated for the perpetration of multiple "pre-emptive" interventionist wars against a number of other foreign nations, many of whom are located primarily in the region of our planets land surface known as the "Middle East".

Apparently the members of that policy group advised our nations former political and military "leaders" to both simultaneously perpetrate those wars and at the same time intentionally consider our nations defensable perimeter to encompass merely this western hemisphere of our planets land surface... a strategy promoted as one which (if implemented "correctly") would (theoretically) secure both our nations Middle Eastern allies safety, and at the same time keep us Americans residing here within the borders of authority of our nations federal government in North America safe from being attacked.

Apparently those plans haven't manifested as well as was initially expected, as evidenced by the relatively large number of violent acts of domestic terrorism that have been perpetrated against people living (and working) here with in the borders of authority of our nations federal government during the past thirteen years, with the case of the bombing of the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2015 (which you can read about by clicking on to those preceding words in blue) being perhaps the most egregious recent example.

Because of the obvious lack of prudent insight displayed by too many of our nations former political, military, intellectual, and religious "leaders" over the past thirteen years, I am of the firm opinion that those of us who are in the positions of power and authority that confer upon us the ability to do so, should immediately begin to attempt to engage in conscious efforts to create and promote policies and attitudes more conducive to the establishment of peace, and I am also of the opinion that one of the best ways to do that is to produce music, music videos, motion pictures, television programs, and video games that will popularize sentiments that can serve to modulate (and hopefully dissipate) some of the apparently massive reservoirs of anger and hatred that have been allowed to come into existence among our nations, and planets, people, lest we continue to be targeted by further domestically aimed terrorist attacks, and a result suffer additional decreases in our social and material standards of living, which will likely only further intensify the anger and resentment that so many tens of millions of people appear to feel, and which appear to be powerful motivating factors in the perpetration of such incidents of terrorist violence.

The domestic terrorist crimes that I am specifically referring to are those that were apparently perpetrated by some of our fellow Americans against patrons, citizens, guests, and students at a number of our nations:

High Schools

Shopping Centers

College Campuses

and (as difficult as it is to believe) even:

Day Care Centers...

Incidents of violence which appear to have been reported quite comprehensively through many of the various sensory modes of transmission relied upon by the various branches of our nations news media.

And so I believe that those of us who are aware, and capable enough to recognize that more such crimes against large numbers of people could potentially be perpetrated again here within the borders of authority of our nations federal government, should do everything we can to insure that such catastrophes do not ever again occur.

However, merely hoping that nothing bad happens has proven to insufficient when it comes to insuring that nothing bad actually does ever again happen, and so for that reason I have elucidated some ideas on the "Peace" page of this web site which we may be able to utilize to in proactive efforts to lay a foundation in our nations popular culture upon which we may be able to construct a better future for ourselves, our loved ones, and for any children (even the future generations) who may be residing within (or who will be born within the perimeter of) the borders of authority of our nations federal government.

Because when that previously mentioned plan for militarily imposed world domination was presented to our nations former federal governmental executors as one which would simultaneously guarantee both our (and our nations Middle Eastern allies) security, both the architects and adopters of the plan appear to have overlooked the fact that that "blueprint" also contained the implied (and subsequently proven to be incorrect) assumption that our nations manufacturing and defense industries would (because of all of the inevitable alienation resulting from so militarily intervening into the affairs of all of the nations listed on the "War" page of this website) likely be compelled to only obtain the raw materials they need to continue to manufacture their finished products from nations located solely within this western latitudinal hemisphere of our planet.

However, that assumption has proven to an untenable one, because while embarking upon that previously mentioned "crusade", our nations leaders also appear to have somehow allowed our relations with foreign nations such as the south American nation of "Brazil" to become so disagreeable that some within our nations power structure may now find themselves in the position where they may feel periodically tempted to attempt to forcibly, militarily take the coveted resources (such as fruit, minerals, timber, oil, and methane) from the peoples and nations residing upon the terrain in, and under which those natural resources are known to be located.

However, because of recent divisive comments allegedly expressed during what was reputed to be some sort of a political "party" (ostensibly to determine who will be elected as the next "President" of our nations federal government) a front running Republican candidate reputedly expressed comments interpreted as hostile towards Latin Americans residing (and in most cases working) here within the borders of authority of our nations federal government that a number of people perceived to be very offensive, and so as a result the realization of the assumption that we would be able to obtain the natural resources we want from people related to those people so offended is now less likely than it was in the past, and so I believe that for both humanitarian and commercial reasons we, both as individuals, and as a nation, should make earnest attempts to soothe the feelings of the peoples and nations that we have hurt, not only because it is the right thing to do, but also to insure that crimes of domestic terrorism (such as those mentioned previously) will be less and less likely to ever occur again in the future.

So I am of the belief that opinions expressed about any particular group of people who identify themselves with (or who happen to be identified by others predominantly through the use of) monikers denoting them to be members of any particular identifiable "racial", ethnic, or religious group should be restricted solely to sentiments that are unifying, and not dividing. If you agree, and if, like me, you are troubled by such alleged recent comments, and you would like to learn more about what you, as an individual, can do to help stop the wars that appear to be the destructive result of the (often unconscious) verbalization of such hurtful comments, then perhaps you will consider visiting the "Peace" page of this web site?

On it (which you can visit by clicking on those previous words colored blue) you will find an elucidation of what I perceive to be the genesis of such wars, and what you, I, and others can do to help bring such wars to an end, in the hopes that in doing so we might be able to minimize some of the dangerously toxic levels of hatred that are appear to be an ongoing threat to the health, safety, and lives of people residing, working, visiting, or conducting business here within the borders of authority of our nations federal government.

April 2, 2016:

As a result of the selective economic recession that has disproportionately negatively affected tens of millions of mostly poor and working class Americans, significant numbers of our nations people appear to have been ingesting larger and larger quantities of alcohol, at more and more frequent intervals than in the past, and while drunk some of them appear to have intentionally sought out homeless people to attack, as evidenced by the following:

Survey of Hate Crimes and Violence Against the Homeless

During my brief perusal of that report (which you can view by clicking on those words in blue above), I came to the quick realization that there are a significant number of additional violent crimes that have been perpetrated against homeless people that do not appear to have been included in those statistics, due to the fact that many such crimes are never reported to the police.

The reason I make such a claim, is because I witnessed (and overheard relayed accounts) of the perpetration of such unreported crimes during my three years traveling through a number of major, metropolitan areas within the borders of authority of this nations federal government, as mentioned on the "Travels" page of this website.

As a result of my experiences interacting with, and attempting to help and uplift a fairly large number of homeless people over the past few decades of my life, I have come to the firm conclusion that real, pragmatic, effective solutions should be formulated at the federal level of our nations government and implemented through our fifty states various bureaucratic agencies to house all of the homeless people currently residing within the borders of authority of our nations federal government, in an attempt to prevent the perpetration of any more such unjust attacks, and assaults.

It's unfortunate that such large numbers of Americans appear to feel the newly legitimized power to target such vulnerable human scapegoats upon which they can displace and vent their, likely economically frustrated rage upon, but in the contemporary United States of America, in which rich people are adored, and assumed to possess every good and noble quality, and poor people are despised and assumed to possess every evil and contemptible quality, the homeless appear to have become one of the most popular targets of choice for domiciled sociopaths seeking weaker, convenient human targets to hate, berate, attack, or kill.

While the repeated (and well documented) defrauding of our nations poor, middle, and "working" classes was being politically and economically engineered by legions of our presumed political, governmental, and economic "leaders", the stock market (and the profits of the underlying corporations whose shares are bought and sold through that financial exchange) soared to new record heights, while brutal, and largely unnecessary and unjustifiable wars against tens of millions of hated brown people, many thousands of miles away, continue largely unabated.

Few politicians in our nations federal government appear to have been able to do much of anything to effectively exert any type of tangible, positive impact upon the lives of the many tens of millions of our nations people who continue to live in want and need, except to propose (and reputedly pass) legislation to reluctantly (and likely temporarily) pay for millions of our fellow Americans suddenly necessary analgesics and antidepressants, to anesthetize and tranquilize them into forgetting about the systematic defrauding and victimization of they and their loved ones, through the offshoring of their jobs, the looting of their pension funds, and the conscription of their sons, fathers, and husbands into a war that they neither wanted, nor ever stood to gain anything from.

Sadly, tens of millions of Americans appear to be habitually laboring under the potently hallucinatory delusion that wasting many trillions of dollars on prescription medications to mask the physical and emotional symptoms they experience as a result of being so devastatingly impoverished by being forced to disproportionately bear the burden of our nations federal government sending their loved ones into harms way while wasting at least six or seven trillion dollars on weapons and expenses in the incorrectly named "war on terror" somehow substitutes for sane social, economic, and diplomatic policy, but I disagree.

In fact, I am of the firm opinion that if any significant percentage of the many tens of millions of our nations people who have been so systematically and recklessly used, abused, and disposed of by former administrations of our nations federal government become cognizant of just how much financial, social, familial, and emotional wealth they have lost as a result of such criminally malevolent misconduct by our nations elected officials and religious, academic, and business leaders, that possible large scale domestically aimed violent conflict could occur.

Since I, and people I feel responsible for, currently reside within the borders of authority of the federal government of this nation, I certainly do not want to see that happen, and so for that reason I have offered some suggestions as to how we might be able to begin to reverse the social, political, moral, and economic damage that has been done to our nations people on the "Peace" page of this website.

Among them is the obvious one that, in a nation as wealthy and full of unleased and unoccupied buildings as this one is, that it would probably be helpful in staving off such large scale violent conflict if our nations federal governmental, economic, academic and religious leaders were to utilize their time, intellect and moral and financial capital to find a way to adequately house then tens of millions of our nations people who are currently homeless, or living in dangerous, or otherwise substandard housing.

March 29, 2016:

During my studies in the field of Architecture I learned that it is essential to balance both the form and the function of a structure. I also heard that statement made that "Form follows Function". I'm not sure why, but there appears to be some sort of a defect in the conceptualization of human beings which habitually places more importance upon the appearance of the design of a structure, and neglects considerations of how the design of that structure will function daily during utilization by the people who will visit, work, or live in that particular structure.

For example, while visiting a newly constructed local University library, I couldn't help but notice that despite it's impressive facade and geometric configuration of spaces, the design itself, and the placement of the furniture within the design were not arranged so as function optimally when it comes to serving the needs of the people who visit and utilize that structure, to their detriment, the detriment of the people who work there, and the detriment of this states taxpayers, who apparently spent many tens of millions of dollars over the past two years to have that structure built.

March 16, 2016:

For a state that does not appear to have had any official history of enslavement of African Americans that I am aware of (and thus is one which I would have assumed would have a lower level of inter-racial antagonism between people of dark and light skin tones than most), California sure does seems to have a disproportionately high number of organized white supremacist groups, and when I reflect upon the fact that the climate here is unusually hospitable, medical marijuana is legal with a prescription, and jobs appear to be relatively plentiful, I have a difficult time comprehending why.

I am of the perception that one of the perpetuating motivii for such relatively high levels of racial antagonism may be the existence of legally sanctioned racial segregation in state prisons here, resulting from a reputed incident of inter-racial violence in one of the prisons or jails in this state in the past, and apparently that incident served as the (or one of the) main impetii for the implementation of such mandatory prison inmate population segregation.

However, I am of the perception that such authority implemented and condoned segregation is likely, at a minimum, reinforcing the erroneous belief that people of different ethnicities or skin “colors” are supposed to reside separately, when in fact all people residing within the borders of authority of our nations federal government have the right to live, reside, congregate, worship, seek education, housing and employment, and even be imprisoned, with others regardless of “race”, ethnicity, or religion.

I do not know what the solution to the problem of racial antagonism in the State of California is, but I do find it unusual that such officially mandated segregation still exists in the state prisons and county (and likely municipal) jails here.

March 14, 2016:

The word “resentment” utilized by many contemporary English language communicators to convey ideas of accumulated negative feelings was more accurately portrayed in an English language translation of a book written by Polish/German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, in which he deployed a very similar term that has been translated as “re sentiment” more effectively conveying the perception that what many european philosophers perceive to be reservoirs of negative feelings resulting from past subjective experiences may actually instead be either enjoyable, or traumatic feelings in ones memory, as a result of in our past experiences.

That may be a new revelation to those of us who are accustomed to the idea that that word always refers only to negative feelings, but thanks to the diligent work of conscientious translators of Nietzsches writings we have a new way, and possibly useful, way of perceiving that concept.

Now that that delineation has been made, it is interesting to note that Nietzsche spent significant amounts of time in both Poland and Germany an area in which two world wars occurred a generation two after he discussed that concept in one of his books so although the term can have both positive and negative connotations he may have (purposely or inadverdantly) conveyed ideas of imminent war that are (or were) only subtly or subsequently perceivable. 

I am occasionally of the self important belief that some of writings may convey similar perceptions resulting from my observations during my domestic travels, but I am troubled that many men can not handle the imminence of war and I am reluctant to frighten anyone by writing at length but I will say that I think it is wise for us all to refrain from saying anything if we don't have any thing nice to say.

March 10, 2016:

It has become clear to me that in the current intensely polarized political environment of the United States of America it is highly unlikely that any one single elected official can possibly adequately supervise, protect and help all of the more than three hundred million people residing and working within the borders of authority of our nations federal government and that rather than continuing to project our own hopes and fears onto such potential elected icons we might be wiser to attempt to cultivate within ourselves and in our social circles the abilities and blessings we childishly perceive that someone else many thousands of miles away may be able to magically confer upon, or to, us.

In order to accomplish that objective it will be necessary to transcend whatever "racial", tribal, ethnic, religious, political and socioeconomic biases we may personally harbor and struggle with and attempt to put those aside so that we can rationally discuss and effectively craft real, viable pragmatic solutions to the myriad problems that too many tens of millions of people within the borders of authority of our nations federal government are currently struggling with.

Such transcendence is not always easy, as many millions of human beings have exhibited a tendency to "universalize" our own personal objections to other individuals behaviours, attitudes or lifestyles into all encompassing condemnations of all people who may appear to share one or more of some of the same superficial characteristics as the individuals we may harbor "resentment" towards such as commonalities in physical appearance, religion, political affiliation, socioeconomic "class" or whatever other polarizing category of designation that we may have irrationally or over simplistically relegated "those" particular types of individuals into in the past.

It is clear to me that in order for us to be able to craft real, effective, pragmatic solutions to the many problems that we individually and collectively face we must be wiling to attempt to put aside our own personal biases and resentments and validate the perspectives of other people that we may initially fear may be a threat to our own individuals delusions of omnipotence.

March 8, 2016:

While discussing the power of advanced telecommunications technology to revolutionize the mass media and entertainment industry on this planet, I can recollect reading someones claim that "the medium is the message".

I don't quite comprehend what that statement was supposed to mean precisely, but I do suppose that those of us who have access to the advanced telecommunications technology that we can use to produce and project music, music videos, television programs, motion pictures, and video games that will awe others are better positioned to convey the perception that "we" are more powerful or more intelligent than "they" are.

But so what?

Is mere technical competence alone sufficient to "prove" that we are "better" than any of the other "they"s that we presume to be superior to?

I don't believe so.

The reason why I make that claim is because, when you reflect upon all of the repeated instances of (what appear or are claimed to to be) "random" violence that have perpetrated within the borders of authority of our nations federal government, it is clear to me that some other type of psychosocial mechanism is at work, and that the ideas and attitudes that producers of mass media creations have repeatedly chosen to portray are increasingly coming back to haunt them (and "us") in increasingly terrifying ways, such as the repeated perpetrations of mass bombings and high school and college campus shootings that have occurred in too many public places here within the borders of authority of our nations federal government.

I am of the opinion that if those of us who have access to the advanced electronic telecommunications technology that is used to produce and promote mass media products that I suspect have been inculating large numbers of people on our planet with messages that have caused them to incorrectly opine that pain and suffering caused to other human beings is somehow "acceptable" continue to do so, that "we" are actually, in some ways, worse that those "others" who we believe are worthy of being subjected to such suffering.

So I do not believe that the mere fact that we are temporarily more powerful then "they" are is a sufficient, or even an acceptable basis upon which to justify the continued misadministration of our nations political, military, and commercial activities, and I am especially troubled by the lack of outrage in response to what has been perpetrated by our nations federal government militarily overseas, particularly when you consider the fact that our nations "authorities" can not even adequately guarantee the public safety of those of us who are currently residing here within the borders of authority of our nations federal government, and so I believe that the continued perpetration of such wars on this planet is illegal, and thus, I am of the firm opinion that all such wars should cease immediately.

If you agree, and you would like to help bring the perpetration of such wars to an end, feel free to visit the "Peace" page of this website, where you will find more information that may shine some light on to some of the root causes of this current series of wars, as well as some action steps you can participate in to help pressure our elected leaders in Congress to support our nations Presidents stated, pre-election campaign goals of ending those wars, and redeploying all of the money that is currently being wasted on such un-necessary destruction instead on helping to feed, clothe, house, and medicate those among us who are in need.

In addition, since it has become increasingly clear to me (and to others), that while the medium through which we produce, transmit, and communicate ideas itself does convey the message that those of us who possess and wield such technologies do temporarily inhabit a more powerful place in the socioeconomic pyramid of power that permeates the lives of many of the hundreds of millions of viewers and listeners of our content all over this planet, I am of the perception that the moral quality of the messages we communicate is also important when producing mass media that will convey ideas to other human beings, and so I encourage those of us who have (or can obtain access to) advanced technological methods of producing, creating, and distributing mass media communications (such as music, music videos, television programs, motion pictures, and video games) to utilize those tools to create, produce, and distribute only products that glorify and communicate ideas of peace and tolerance towards others, and refrain from producing or distributing content that may, intentionally or unintentionally, teach others to hate, fight, or kill.

Perhaps by doing so, we may be able to help our expected listeners, viewers, and game players to internalize only ideas that cultivate such previously mentioned noble sentiments, and that in doing so, we may be able to help subtly influence them to alter their behaviour in ways proven to be individually, familially, and socially beneficial ways.

March 7, 2016:

Random Observations:


“Physiognomy”: is the study of the correlation (or the appearance of a correlation) between what a person looks like, and who (or what) we actually are.

In visual media saturated cultures such as the one we currently exist within here in the United States of America it is probably inevitable that we will sometimes gravitate towards or away from particular people or types of people based, in part, on their physical appearance.

That is probably natural and unavoidable to a particular degree, but serious problems and injustices can occur if we are reckless and unwisely attempt to universalize our personal preferences by incorrectly assuming that the physical appearance qualities that we find preferable correlate with intangible and socially respectable  qualities such as trust, reliability, kindness and personal integrity.

In fact, the correlation between such intangible individual characteristics and a persons physical appearance is probably to some degree a causal relationship, with the personal biases we possess causing us to act in particular ways towards certain people or “types” of people in biased ways that may provoke them to act in ways that reinforce our pre-existing beliefs as to who, or what they are, often based on little more than our initial opinion of their physical appearance.

When I reflect upon the fact that grave injustices have been perpetrated here in the United States of America and in other regions of our planets land surface against people, even large groups of people solely because of their physical appearance, it is clear that those of us who want to do what is right and refrain from doing what is wrong make efforts to prevent our biased preferences with regard to a persons physical appearance from metamorphosing into verbal or physical expressions that are violent or could result in violence of overheard or witnessed by impressionable people who may be so weak minded as to allow themselves to internalize those perceptions of demonization and weak willed enough to even perpetrate a violent crime against an innocent person based on such specious "logic".

It is logical is to interact with others in ways that result in them feeling the same way we would like to feel if our roles were reversed. If we don't know how they feel we might be wise to inquire. If we don't care how they feel then we are very likely to be a source of pain or discomfort to them and that is, or can become, a problem that they, we, or another innocent third party may have to resolve, causing social tension that may make it difficult for one or all of those involved individuals to co-exist peacefully together and that is obviously undesirable.

When we flatter ourselves with physiognomy, we may be reduced to contemplating astronomy,
Reinforcing our delusions of autonomy, until we’re left worshipping our own onome,
I think it’s better than phlebotomy and I assume not nearly as bad as a lobotomy.


Recent overheard discussion during which various opiners hypothesized as to which of three apparently preferred candidate will be elected President of the United States of America has led me to theorize that in order to slow the apparently inevitable dissolution of said political entity, it may be necessary to propose an amendment to the Constitution converting the executive branch into a triumvirate similar to the one that was instituted in ancient Rome in order to slow the dissolution of that empire.


Spanish author George Santayana is reputedly quoted as claiming that: “Those who do not remember the past are destined to repeat it.” Since he lived and wrote during and after the Spanish Civil War during which Spanish General Francisco Franco seized control of that nations government in order to institute a racist fascist monarchy it has been postulated that Mister Santayana was referring to the likely arrest, imprisonment and probable killing of relatively large numbers of Jews, ethnically Spanish rebels and other “racial” or religious minorities.

It is likely that Santayana was referring to the apparently recurring phenomenon of physiognomically based warfare, in which people of one type of physical appearance unite and perpetrate violent attacks and crime against people who are not of that particular type of ethnic appearance. I find such organized militancy to be serious threat to the establishment of permanent peace on this planet, particularly when it is based on things as superficially dubious as physical appearance, religion, gender, or economic status and I believe that all noble minded people should resist the urge to coagulate into groups in which such violence is advocated, promoted or possibly perpetrated.

Such murderous descents into such group insanity have reputedly been a frequent recurrence among the various nations tribes and ethnicities of this planet for many millennia and I perceive such phenomena to be a serious continuing and apparently ongoing threat to our continued peaceful existence and advancement on this planet and as such, such illogicalities should be politely and peacefully exposed and abandoned at all times. As the old adage advises us to do:

“Praise in public, but criticize in private.”

Denouncing people or groups publicly, particularly in view or within hearing distance of others is hateful and mean-spirited and likely based in desires to hurt people who we believe are hurting, or will hurt others, making us no better than the people we pretend to be better than and such, such approaches should be avoided.However false schismatic paradigms in which one “good” side or individual of an insistently antagonistic duality is granted legitimacy to oppose (even violent oppose) another or group of others who are part of an opposite “bad” side of that duality are very popular in American culture particularly in our various cinemas and such sociopathic mentalities have poisoned the minds and hearts of many tens of millions of our people, particularly our young people who appear to be mindlessly participating in increasingly violent rituals such as:

The “knockout game” during which an assailant physically attacks a random stranger they don’t know, with some of the victims apparently being even women and elderly people,

“Bum Fights” during which one or more sociopaths bribe homeless men with money or alcohol in order to goad them to violently fight one another while the spectacle is videotaped and published and distributed on and through the internet to the apparent delight of viewing audiences,


“Mixed Martial Arts” and “Ultimate Fighting” contests, during which opponents are allowed to violently oppose one another, not merely with their fists covered with boxing gloves as in decades past, but rather with bare knuckles, kicks to the head, face, and back, wrist, ankle, and other painful and potentially permanently damaging joint “locks”, and even chokes into unconsciousness of combatants who are horizontally prone on the fighting surface.

I perceive the emergence of such types of crime and fighting (particularly the governmentally sanctioned fighting of the third category) to be a serious and imminent threat to the health, safety, and well being of, not merely the many tens of millions of Americans who are unable or unwilling to be able to physically fight to protect or defend themselves or others, but also to the health, safety, and well being of future generations, who appear to be less and less likely to even be born, due to the fact that so many tens of millions of Americans appear to have converted their former desire to reproduce into a newly found desire to violently oppose, fight, and attack one another, and even entire foreign nations, both here within the borders of authority of our nations federal government, but also overseas, by invading the territories of other nations that our nations federal government is currently at war with.

I am of the opinion that since so many of us right here within the borders of authority of our nations federal government can not even seem to get along amicably with one another without resorting to fist fights, "grappling", and even (as appears to be the case more and more frequently in some of our nations southern and western states) shooting and killing one another with firearms, then we, as a nation really have no business finding fault with the residents of other nations, and particularly no business continuing to attempt to find "reason"s to violently oppose or fight with, or against, them, whether such fighting be endorsed by our nations elected officials, or not.

If you agree, then perhaps you will visit the "Peace" page of this web site, where you will find more information about the series of wars that our nations federal government and secret police agencies have been, and are currently engaged in against the peoples of other nations in various locales on the land surface area of our planet, as well as ways that you can contact (y)our elected officials in Washington D.C. to ask them to stop fighting, and start making peace with all of the other nations, and peoples that they are currently fighting with?

March 3, 2016:

I have noticed that some written or spoken statements imply that the reader or contemplator must choose from only one perspective, or another, presumably in order to manifest a more complete comprehension of the particular phenomena being discussed or contemplated.

For example, I can recall reading a statement which attempted to convey the notion that:

"It's not what happened to us that hurts us,
but how we react to what happened to us that hurts us."

When one cognates an adjective (such as the word "hurt" present in the first line of that quote) by adding an "s" to the end of it, one is communicating the message that one is not merely reflecting back upon some incident that hurt one in the past, but rather that one is still feeling hurt by that incident in the present.

That is why I have created the "Mind" and "Body" pages of this website, to help provide some information that may be helpful to those among us who are similarly hurt, and to offer some suggestions as to what one may be able to do to help oneself overcome those injuries.

If one is able to do so, then when former sufferers are no longer hurt by their physical and/or psychological memories of being so brutalized or traumatized in the past, then you may notice that when people are free of pain they will likely to be more prone to utilizing the word "hurt" (singular) alluding to something that was painful in the past.

So, while it may sometimes feel empowering to convince ourselves that it is merely our reaction to being traumatized that determines how we feel, the reality is that the psychodynamics of suffering are much more complex, because rather than how a person feels being solely a product of either:

What happened to them


How they react to what happened to them...

It can be both.

The logical error that is committed during the formation of such faulty cognition is the incorrect assumption that two statements that appear to be mutually exclusive can each only be found to be true if and when the other statement is found to be false.

Such misperceptions are often radical over simplifications, and since some simple minded or morally untrained people might extrapolate from mere ideas to actual (mis)behaviour (particularly violent misbehaviour) I must object to the continued repetition and promotion of such faulty neurolinguistic oversimplifications.

Another such illogical oversimplification that I have over heard repeatedly, and the wide scale adoption of which I believe may prove to be threatening to our future collective well being, is the misguided (and incorrect) notion that:

"nice guys finish last"

I don't believe that that is the case, but instead perceive that the sentiments conveyed in that statement are in actuality a cynical oversimplification resulting from some peoples regrets over past disappointments, and so I think it is unwise for people to accept the faulty concept toxically encapsulated in that incorrect notion, lest hatred and sociopathy begin expand amongst us and we continue to fail to accomplish the large scale municipal construction projects that are so sorely needed if we, as a nation, are to properly prepare to receive the continued waves of immigrants that are likely to continue to seek better opportunities in such warm, hospitable climate zones of our planets land surface as we may happen to reside in.

March 2, 2016:

When seeking peace of mind to utilize as a foundation upon which to embark upon projects to improves ones quality of life I often find it helpful to attempt to adhere to the following formula:

See No Evil

Hear No Evil

Think No Evil

Speak No Evil

Perpetrate No Evil

Teach No Evil

Produce No Evil


Create No Evil.

What is evil?

Evil is that which we would not want anyone to witness, speak, cognate, hear, or do to, or around us, or anyone that we love, if their, and our roles, were reversed.

What is good?

Good is that which we would like others to do to, for, or around us, and those we love, if their, and our, roles were reversed.

When witnessing the misconduct of others we may sometimes feel tempted to emulate their dysfunctional thoughts, speech, deeds, or means of obtaining their material wants, "needs", or personal satisfactions that they think (or believe) that they "deserve" to have in life in order to truly feel alive, but that is not very intelligent.

In fact, when one is attempting to become successful in life, particularly at being self employed it is often necessary for us to engage in completely different conduct, behaviours, and habits than most other people are engaging in, so that we can create the content, products, services or value that we intend to sell, trade or otherwise render unto to others in order to get what we need or want in return regardless of how antisocial others may act towards us, themselves or one another.

To become truly independent one must first become independent in mind, the emancipation of which is crucial in order for us to be able to exercise the necessary benevolent automony in our speech, behaviours, personal, commercial and interpersonal activities so that we can achieve the goals that we have delineated as stepping stones up towards our larger goals that define "success" to us.

In order to help us avoid falling into psychosocial traps I advise that if any one of us ever feels ourselves tempted to devolve into hateful thought patterns particularly those that we know could act as a spark for us to engage in antisocial speech or antisocial actions we may find it helpful to implement the following procedure which attempts to encapsulate some strategies to retrain our minds and nervous systems to engage in the opposite of the eight ignoble things listed at the beginning of this article by making conscious efforts to:

See The Good

Hear The Good

Think Good Thoughts

Speak Good Sentiments

Perform Good Deeds

Teach Others To Do Good


Create, Produce, or Provide Good Products, Services, or Values For Others.

What type of work or activities should one engage in?

I am of the opinion that it is infinitely more desirable for us to work for who and what we love rather than fight against that or those that we are arrogant enough to hate.

If one finds it temporarily difficult to retrain ones mind to engage in the six strategies listed immediately above then one might find it helpful to first assume a stance of:

Ambivalence: during which one refuses to psychoemotionally attach to others

Ignorance: which is to ignore people or phenomena we dislike, or can not tolerate or accept

Indifference: to refuse to form an opinion about a particular person or phenomena


Detachment: during which we disinvest from our feelings about a particular person or phenomena (ideally resulting in a calm, neutral perspective towards that person or phenomenon).

If one finds that ones sincere attempts to cultivate such responsible perspectives are unsuccessful, then one may desire to resort to:

Aversion: in which we avoid a person, phenomenon or situation which we can not tolerate

Diversion: during which we focus our mind, time and energy on and into contemplative, creative, constructive or productive activities


Excursion: during which we travel to a different locale in order to temporarily avoid a person, situation or phenomenon that we can not, or prefer not to have to, tolerate.

Of course at some point in the future we may want to return to our living, working, socializing, or educational environment(s), but until we know that we are ready to do so while remaining calm, rational and peaceful, choosing and implementing one or more of the strategies listed above is generally considered to be a more admirable response to disharmonious situations than merely allowing ourselves to be provoked into engaging in any type of hateful or antisocial thoughts or speech, or worse, perpetrating any type ofsociopathic actions, whether directed at oneself, or at others.

February 28, 2016:

Exponential Conceptualization:

The most basic code in which the language that most computer programs are written in is referred to as "binary" which is a dualistic construct in which an electromagnetic switch is either "open" or "closed", symbolically represented as either a “1” or "zero" (0).

When one is relating to physical objects such as the silicon microchips into which microscopic reservoirs are dug and into which tiny electrical charges are stored in configurations so as to determine whether or not a particular switch is open or closed, binary conceptualization can be useful.

However when one perceives that that same over-simplistic dualistic computer language logic is also being applied to interpersonal relations in which a person has to be compartmentalized into either a "good" or "bad" category, then problems begin to emerge.

Because in actuality most human beings are not completely one or the other but are in fact, usually composed of both a number of good and bad traits or "aspects", thus making such over-simplifications when it comes to the categorization of human beings potentially dangerous.

Rather than conceptualizing in merely dualistic paradigms, it might be more helpful for us to instead cognate in what I refer to as "quarternary" conceptualization, where rather than there being only two possible designations for any effort at categorization, there can be four (or more).

For example:

Someone desires to know whether or not a particular statement is “true” or “false”.

However, rather than there only being those two particular possibilities, in actuality there can often be four different categories of apprehension, with the additional two being that:

A statement can be both: true (and false)


A statement can be both:

Not True


Not false.

Whether that makes sense to anyone else I do not know, however I do believe that oversimplistic dualistic paradigms are disturbingly common in much of "western" philosophy, as evidenced by the frequent phenomena of presumed "authorities" creating two opposing paradigms, and then offering their followers a choice of either extreme, a phenomenon referred to as a "false choice".

It is called that because such "choices" are based upon the incorrect assumption that there are only two options from which to choose from when, in fact, there are often many more than that.

However, some presumed leaders also go one step further into error, by attempting to leverage their disciples acceptance of one side of an extremely schismatic, dualistic paradigm, by then attempting to convince them to violently oppose others who are presumably adherents of "the other side". 

That phenomenon is also witnessed when it comes to the question of whether, or not, one will co-operate or compete with others. However, there is a third possibility which has been nicely encapsulated by the word “co-opetition" which connotes ideas of: 

“Co-operative competition”

I am of the perception that we human beings function most optimally, and are best able to attempt to accomplish potentially greater and greater feats of engineering (and thus experience potential improvements in our individual and collective standards-of-living) when we co-operatively compete, giving us all the opportunity to maximize our likelihood of creating, and experiencing, contentment in our lives.

February 21, 2016:

The founder of an influential quasi religious cult here in the State of California is reputed to have instructed his followers to respond to litigation filed against his organization with the following instructions to:

“Never defend, always attack”.

I am of the opinion that it would be wiser for targets of attacks to refrain from attacking anyone in return, and instead to either:

Remain Silent


Merely Deflect The Attack

And allow the reservoir of anger that likely motivates initiatory attacks to dissipate, rather than doing anything that might re-enforce a destructive paradigm in which an opponent must lose (or be caused to suffer in some way) in order for “us” to “win”.

Such divisive and destructive dualistic paradigms are very popular in American popular culture, and appear to have reached their zenith during the "settling" of the American west, the events of which are frequently, and over glamourously portrayed in "cowboy-western" movies, in which sociopathic maxims such as:

“shoot first and ask questions later”


“kill them all and let ‘God’ sort them out”

Are casually expressed by alleged "protagonists", and which their presumed followers are expected to psychotically o'bey.

Such pathologically violent opposition is also evidenced in the verbiage of most popular recreational "sports" played here, during the course of which one team is appointed to "offend" another defending team presumably with the intent of "having fun" but if you listen to the vernacular utilized by many people participating in such sports you may likely often hear sentiment expressed by one team to want to "destroy" the opposing team or something equivalently malevolently sociopathic.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I personally don't have "fun" repeatedly, and seemingly Sysypheanesquely finding myself living in angry anticipation of the next unwanted attempt by another male to touch me, whether I am in possession of a spherical or oblong object or not, particularly if they want to destroy or others on the same team or field I am playing on.

However, that apparently compulsive desire to accost or assault another human being in the name of "fun" was, for the most part, channeled into events such as football games, during which teams offenses are routinely expected to throw "the bomb", while opposing teams defenses are believed to be most potent when such a faction is engaging in a "blitz" against the opposing faction.

Interestingly the word "blitz" itself is an abbreviation of the German word "blitzkrieg" which was used to describe the lightning-like violent attacks perpetrated by mechanized German armies against neighboring nations in the late 1930's, triggering the multiyear long series of similarly deadly international battles contemporarily referred to as "World War 2".

The deep-seated acceptance and approval of violent opposition displayed towards others seen in it's most (relatively) benign form in the American sport of "football" also appears to be an ongoing hallmark of our nations diplomatic orientation, as evidenced by the (to my perspective) largely unjustifiable violent attacks perpetrated against MiddleEastern nations by our federally conscripted military during the past 13 years, which was incorrectly portrayed as a "war on terror".

War is terror, and since terror is an emotion people experience during the process of being traumatized... particularly violently-traumatized... the idea that anyone (particularly any nations government) can legitimately perpetrate such trauma onto others, while falsely claiming to be preventing the very thing that it is causing, is absurd.

Self-preservation is a natural instinct, but when a person (or group of people) resort to plotting or perpetrating violent attacks upon other human beings in a presumed attempt to “defend” themselves, they are obviously not being genuine, and thus… such people (and the murderous ideas they espouse) should be diplomatically opposed, or ignored.

It is not always easy to ignore hatred, or to merely deflect violent attacks, but if one responds to attacks by attacking in return, one is merely re-enforcing the destructive paradigm, by perpetuating the fear of being physically, violently assaulted that others may feel.

February 18, 2016:

I think it is imperative that our planets imperial governments (particularly the United States of Americas federal government), begin experimenting with the use of aerosol formulations of Kava root extract, and other benign, non toxic, natural, plant-based relaxants, for possible use as a replacement for hurtful and toxic formulations currently utilized in pepper spray and "tear gas" canisters.

A link to both liquid extract and capsule forms of Kava root can be found on the "Body" tab of this site.

February 17, 2016:

In the field of psychology there is a personality test called the “Meyers/Briggs Assessment”, which attempts to categorize a persons personality through a series of questions, with the final result being a sequence of four letters, each ones place being populated by one of two possible characters, representing one of two analogues of a particular psychological duality.

One duality attempts to categorize a persons dominant psychic focus, by labeling them either an:

Introvert (i)

or an:

Extrovert (e).

I am convinced that for someone to become truly successful in life, one should attempt to exhibit proficiency in endeavors characteristic of both orientations.

For example:

If one is proficient at composing music, one should also attempt to become proficient at performing music.

If one is proficient at creating art, one should also attempt to become proficient at displaying art. If one is proficient at writing, one should also attempt to become proficient at publishing.

And so on…

February 10, 2016:

In recent years I have become increasingly skeptical of continuing to accept an apparently popular paradigm that teaches men (and increasingly women) to build, acquire, and utilize bombs and firearms to inflict grave bodily harm against other human beings.

Is mere technical education in the methodology of "inventing", manufacturing, and deploying weaponry against other human beings with the intent to cause them serious bodily harm really a "good" thing?

In doing so, what have we really accomplished?

Will continuing to do that make us feel “safer”?

From who?

In a global civilization in which many tens of millions of our fellow human beings feel compelled to continue to manufacture, sell, or wield firearms (and other disproportionately destructive weaponry), who will protect us from them?

So, it is becoming increasingly obvious to many tens of millions of people on this planet that mere technical “education” is not sufficient when it comes to insuring that we can create the type of world in which we, others, and any children born, or living around us, feel safe and content.

Mere competency at devising, manufacturing, and wielding weaponry that is capable of causing unacceptable degrees of harm to the bodies and minds of any of our fellow human beings is simply not sufficient evidence of the arrival of an anticipated global civilization in which increasing majorities of our fellow human beings feel as if their lives (and the lives of everyone around them) have value… and can be experienced with the minimal amount of suffering, and if we continue to learn to co-operate with one another without conflict, even the maximum amount of ebullience.

Provided that such experiences of individual contentment are not gained at the cost of causing intolerable suffering to any of our fellow human beings, it is merely a fact of life that biological beings will resort to attempting to satisfy their own physical and psychological needs at the expense of others.

As long as the fulfillment of those physical and psychological needs is not being accomplished at the cost of my (or others) being unable to have their (or our) own meager physical and psychological needs met, I usually do not object to the process of other people living their own lives,and merely request the same consideration from them in return.

However, when I sense that I am being hated to the point that I am psychologically devolving into a state of mind in which I can not seem to prevent myself from hating others, I either:

Close my eyes (thus intentionally making myself "ignorant" of them)


Vacate the public space and find someplace to be a'lone.

I do those things because I’m fairly certain that I’m not the only person who would rather be ignored than hated.

February 7, 2016:

Mastering a New Skill in Ninety Days:

While conferring with a musician friend of mine, he mentioned during one of our conversations the idea that "at least we can always grow new nerve endings”. I wasn’t sure what he meant by that, but when I reflected back upon that conversation of ours afterwards, the realization occurred to me that we are not merely biological beings existing for a limited time horizon, but rather we are also potentially multidimensional holographic beings, who through intelligently focused and applied will, can actually regrow our entire physiological selves... through internal, vibrationally mediated regeneration.

For example, while practicing playing guitar, I reflected upon the fact that many people feel compelled to hire someone adept at such things to teach them to acquire the same ability.

However, if one is able and willing to tolerate the disorienting (and sometimes intimidating) process of splitting ones psyche into multiple, oppositional parts, and then utilize one part of that divided self to teach another part of ourselves to practice performing a new skill, new microscopic brain nerve connections can be be provoked to grow, and in those new, neuronic connections, the memories of how to perform that particular task will be stored for subsequent retrieval and utilization.

With that idea in mind, there are a few abilities which I (as a "city boy") generally view as worthy of acquisition through self (or other) administered education:

Expressive Creativity (music, painting, photography, sculpture, writing, singing, and dance)

Legal Discernment

Constructing Dams, Power Plants, Water Treatment Facilities, Bridges, Roads, and Highways

Electronics Technology Engineering (designing computers, mobile digital devices, telecommunications, and digital networking infrastructure)

Health Care Provision Services


Professional and Administrative Support Services.

I am attempting to master as many of those skills as I can, and have come to the distinct conclusion that the ingestion of alcohol is powerfully detrimental to the effective generation of new, biological, neuronic brain pathways, and so for that (among other) reason(s), I strictly avoid ingesting it.

February 6, 2016:

Learning to Distinguish Between:

Ones Biggest Fear


The Actual Most Lethal Threat to Oneself.

It can be very unsettling, yet crucially necessary to realize that that those two things are not always one and the same.

Sometimes when we are too busy scrutinizing another person who, or phenomenon that, we believe to be an imminently grave threat to us, we are actually completely blind to the actual individual who (or abstraction that), may actually be the most destructive agent counter-acting our efforts to accomplish our goals in life.

I've seen that inability to distinguish between actual threats, and imaginary threats, repeatedly in the financial, business, executive, and legal realms of our nations functional apparatus, and ironically enough... the moment I find myself awed by "their" myopia is the moment I realize that I too have just been pulled into that exact same psycho-perceptual abyss... merely in a different form.

February 5, 2016:

Observations on Business:

From studying Finance at a state University in New England, and from my own research on the topic, I gained the impression that the "purpose" of owning, or administering, a business is to earn a profit. However, as a result of my fairly extensive travels through various regions of this country, I have come to the conclusion that that isn't necessarily the case.

In fact, from what I have observed repeatedly during the course of my many interactions with the owners and employees of many of the cafes and coffee shops in this nation, I have come to the conclusion that, in this newly intensely starkly socioeconomically stratified nation, the purpose of owning or administering a business has increasingly become whatever the owner, manager, or employees of that particular business decide that it is.

For example, there are some businesses in this country I patronized in which I gained the distinct impression that the intention of the owner, manager, or employees of said business was not merely to provide a product or service to paying customers at a price, but rather to imperially control an exclusive (and sometimes hostile) stage upon which they could prop their selectively chosen customers, often based upon criteria that seemed to encompass almost every consideration except the historically assumed intention of providing a product or service to said customers at a price.

For those reasons, I have began to refer to businesses that "function" in such ways as "vanity businesses".

Although I am not particularly interested in engaging in to an extended discussion in regards to the phrasing, and intent, of the laws governing the operation of such businesses (as elucidated in this nations "Uniform Commercial Code") I do recollect that I was informed by a University business law professor of mine that such code outlines the exact rights (and responsibilities) of owners and customers of such businesses, and that despite the occasionally observed "we reserve the right to deny service to anyone" signs brashly displayed in various businesses in the nation, the fact is that such claims do not, in most cases, possess any validity whatsoever.

February 4, 2016:

When I reflect back and determine exactly how it is that I have been as yet unable to accomplish all of my goals in life, I can pinpoint the exact time that a radically unfortunate turning point took place. It was when I was perusing some books at a public library, and I happened upon a book that encouraged it's readers to audibly verbalize certain "I am..." statements, presumably to bolsters ones "self confidence".

The moment I began to implement that books advice is when my entire life, and all of my plans for who I wanted to become (and what I wanted to accomplish) were destroyed.In order to rebuild myself, and resume the progress I was making in accomplishing my prior goals, I began to meditate upon the concept that "I am not...", and to complete that phrase with various suffixes encapsulating the perceptions of the people who hated me the most.

And the result is this website, and the meager creations of mine displayed on it.

February 3, 2016:

If you research the socioeconomic history of the United States of America, you will find that women did not generally feel the need to begin to enter the workforce in large numbers until the outbreak of the first and second "world" wars, as a result of our nations so called "leaders" convincing everyone that we needed all available energy to produce more and more weapons, presumably to "prove" to some other nations, many thousands of miles away that our nations world view is more enlightened, and to convince them that if they don't agree, we will just pay men to go and kill they, and their citizenry, until they do.

When you reflect upon the fact that women have felt compelled to work outside the home en masse for at least the last 75 years, and that such burdens are generally only foisted upon them is during times of war, one can only come to the conclusion that our nations federal government has been at war with other nations on this planet for, at least, the past 75 years.

From my comprehension of some the documents prepared by some of the founders of this nations original, federal government, I am of the impression that fighting wars for so many decades at a time was very likely not their original intention when they decided to rebel against the United Kingdom, and thus I am of the opinion that the fighting of, what appears to be almost seemingly perpetual wars, is contrary to the purpose of the establishment of the original, federal government of this nation, and thus, is likely unConstitutional, and thus, illegal.

February 2, 2016:

Even though I am obsessed with my objective of creating all original content for this website, I still feel compelled to offer you the following review of a recent article about entrepreneurship in Inc. magazine, along with some of my own observations:

When I researched the definition of the word "entre preneur", I found that although the term originally derives from a French description of the process of introducing a theatrical performance, it has increasingly taken on the connotation of denoting "someone who is self-motivated".

While attempting to become more and more self-motivated in recent months, I noticed that that process appears to inherently cause me to experience mental disturbances, and that isn't surprising when you consider the fact that if you really want to be your own employer, then you obviously have to split your psyche into multiple pieces... a phenomenon generally dismissed by psychiatrists as being evidence of mental illness.

That being said, the article that originally provoked me to contemplate the phenomenon of entrepreneurship reported on the source magazines "survey of 211 business owners, from across a wide range of companies"... to find the "commonalities, proclivities, backgrounds, aspirations and success factors that shape" them, and here is what they found:

82% of entrepreneurs believe that their minds are structured differently than those who work for others

Entrepreneurs are most successful when they competitively approach the business world as confident problem-solvers

Almost 80% of entrepreneurs see it as crucial to work hard, remain confident, and be willing to accept the burdens of being your own employer with the rewards of doing so

78% of entrepreneurs state that they began to work for themselves for financial gain


Just over 50% state that they began to work for themselves to be able to control their own destiny.

Surprisingly, about 60% of entrepreneurs do not have any particular final goal in mind when they start (or are in the process of operating) their own businesses


Most of the business owners surveyed stated that they view networking with informal advisers, mentors, and other business owners as "extremely important" for their success.

After spending the last few months building this website and creating content for it, I find that I would have to agree with the observations made by the 211 entrepreneurs surveyed.

February 1, 2016:

Two psychospiritual laws of physics that I have observed:

If we allow our minds to become infected with hatred towards others, we will soon find that it is we who begin to feel afraid.


If we are so lacking in psychological self discipline that we find ourselves tangibly plotting to perpetrate violence against others, we will soon find that it is instead we who feel the need to vacate the vicinity of the people that we have been so ignorant as to allow ourselves to hate and conspire against.

So, to live free of fear, I have found two strategies to be effective:

First, regardless of how much psychological struggle it requires, I force myself to accept others, and their actions (regardless of how much I may disapprove of what they say or do (unless, of course, an innocent, defenseless person is imminently, physically endangered by what is occurring)),


Second,I refuse to allow my mind (or heart) to psycho(im)morally engineer "justified" hatred for others.

To help keep myself from allowing negative, antagonistic mentalities to take hold of me, I rely upon the science of meditation (discussed on the "Mind" tab of this website).

January 28, 2016:

While I don't oppose those who choose to ingest alcohol, I would be negligent if I didn't warn people of what that substance actually is, and how destructive it can be to ones mind, body, and success in life.

Alcohol is a very potent neurotoxin excreted as liquid waste by micro-organisms that feed on rotting grain and fruit.  It is very toxic, likely interfering with the proper transmission of electrical impulses between brain neurons, creating the experience of intoxication.  While such effects can be enjoyable in ones youth as an occasional escape from reality, habitual reliance upon such intentional self poisoning can destroy ones:


Nervous System


Mucous Membranes, (such as ones):




And ones Internal Organs, such as ones:





For those reasons, I am of the opinion that alcohol is a poor choice for self induced, chemically generated escapes from reality, and that those seeking safer alternatives might be better served by ingesting liquid extracts of the herbs Kava or Valerian, links to both of which are found on the "Body" tab of this website.

January 27, 2016:

Balancing Need(s) and Want(s):

In my effort to increase the amount of joy I experience in life, while simultaneously minimizing the amount of suffering I experience, I found myself intensely examining my perception of what I want, and whether or not it is something I actually need in order to survive.

While reflecting upon that distinction, I recollected a paradigm recounted to me by an old friend of mine, in which he stated that that is a type of psychological counseling that (I believe) is referred to as "transactional analysis".

Whatever moniker it is represented by, the basic gist of that method of counseling is to perceive a disturbed psyche as being composed of three aspects:

An Adult

A Parent


A Child.

As one progresses through the process of re-unification of ones soul, one may notice that ones perceptions oscillate through periods in which the parent aspect of our selves alternates between the stance of a:

Wild Child (who is morally ignorant)

and an:

Adoptive Child (who is obedient to the rule of conforming to what is best for social peace and harmony).

simultaneously interacting with an aspect of our selves that is often described as a:

Critical Parent (who is condemnational)

and a:

Nurturing Parent (who is accepting)...

With the "adult" aspect of our selves serving to (ideally) moderate and resolve the conflict.

I hope that triunally schismatic distinction is useful to someone.

December 23, 2015:

A recent article in the business section of a major domestic, metropolitan daily newspaper discussed how contemporary windmills are being leased by farmers with no money down, and being successfully utilized to provide them with the electricity they need to provide lighting, heat, and hot water for themselves and their families, at prices lower than what they would normally pay when buying electricity from utility companies.

Apparently that same model of long term leasing of the equipment needed to transmute the energy emanated by the flux of natural phenomena such as wind is also being offered to consumers by certain solar-energy generation companies, providing a viable alternative method for creating the electricity people need to independently live "off the grid".

December 14, 2015:

Algebra = “al gebra”

An Arabic phrase, meaning:

“reunion of broken parts".

December 8, 2015:

While the enactment of legislation guaranteeing health care expense coverage to all Americans was a noble undertaking, I believe it was a largely misguided one when you reflect upon the fact that the likely most powerful factor determining peoples level of health, or lack thereof, is their ability to access adequate shelter.  The fact that there are millions of people in this country who are homeless, and thus are unable to do so, will likely prove to be a potent source of future illness, which will then require many hundreds of billions of dollars to alleviate.

The lack of affordable housing in the United States of America is a catastrophic failure resulting from decades of poorly-conceived governmental socioeconomic policy, and the decision to allocate what will likely total more than a trillion dollars to peoples medical bills, a large percentage of which would likely never have been incurred had the millions of homeless people in this country been provided adequate supplies of affordable housing will prove to be a disastrous one.

If you were to poll a few million people in this country as to which they would prefer if given a choice of only one thing... adequate, affordable housing, or "free" (governmentally paid) health care, I'm fairly certain that a vast majority of them would choose adequate housing first. Yet for some reason the executors elected to implement federal governmental policy in this country have chosen instead to aggressively and myopically assume the legislative branches historical function and propose, and then unthinkingly proceed to implement, what will likely, ultimately prove to be, ineffective socioeconomic policy.

December 3, 2015:

Because of past ill conceived website design standards in which clickable links have been traditionally identified by the appearance of a line of underscores beneath them when ones cursor is placed on top of such a line of alphanumeric characters, publishers such as myself are having a difficult time digitally conveying concepts that were in the past, partially represented by the utilization of a line of underscores to emphasize more important series of characters in blocks of text.

Whether that deficit in the ability of digital writers to properly convey concepts that have been traditionally considered valuable will result in the creation and implementation of new website design and coding standards, I do not know, but I suspect that I'm not the only one who is encountering such difficulties.

November 30, 2015:

While college students here in the United States of America are burdened with more than $1.3 trillion dollars into student loan debt as a result of their attempts to obtain a degree, our nations federal government has spent more than that amount to finance their "war on terror" against various oil-rich Muslim nations on this planet, plunging our nations college students, federal government (and the taxpayers who are responsible for its deficits) deep into debt, while at the same time making us millions of new, un-needed enemies all over the world.

If the organizers of, and participants in, the recent Million Student March really want free higher education as they have requested, they might be well-served to participate in the peace-advocacy activism steps outlined on the "War" page of this website, locatable through the horizontal array of blue-and-gold tabs at the top of each screen.

November 29, 2015:

When you consider the fact that massive quantities of retail space, including entire former shopping malls, in this country are completely unoccupied, it would only stand to reason that if our nations federal government stopped wasting trillions of dollars on weapons and wars, they could easily subsidize the conversion of those many billions of feet of unused retail space into residential housing to shelter the millions of homeless people who feebly attempt to reside within the borders of authority of our nations federal government:


November 28, 2015:

For people who travel a lot, or who either don't have reliable access to electrical outlets (or don't want to have to be tethered to buildings every time their devices batteries need to be recharged), I have come to the gradual realization that it is often the touchscreen on many modern mobile devices that consume most of their batteries charge, and so I have been primitively relying upon an antiquated mobile telephone and web browser featuring a materially tactile "q.w.e.r.t.y." keypad.

November 21, 2015:

In a society infected with the desire to possess more material things than one needs in order to live on an equal footing with others, we may sometimes forget the value of other treasures, such as our quality of life.

For example, can you walk into a store and buy the feeling of happiness that comes from being able to walk across a public sidewalk, whether during the day or at night, and feel completely safe from being accosted or attacked? 

Unless you're willing to purchase a firearm and carry it around with you every where you go, I would be tempted to conclude that "no, you can not".

But why are so many of our nations streets and neighborhoods so dangerous in the first place?

There are probably many reasons, but there appears to be a correlation between the rhetoric and violence portrayed and glorified in too many of the "entertainment" products produced and consumed in this nation, the ferocity of the rhetoric heard out in public, and the possibly resultant savagery of the violence perpetrated in many of the more notorious criminal acts witnessed in recent memory in seemingly almost every major American city.

It is difficult to say what factor is singly most responsible for fueling the manifestation of the other factors, but it appears likely that all of the following phenomena:

The hateful rhetoric heard in too many television programs

The violence unleashed in the wars perpetrated by our nations federal government

The violence portrayed in too many major motion pictures produced in this nation

The violence perpetrated by our federal and many states governments through their commission of the death penalty upon alleged murderers...


The heinous, often random violent crimes that have been perpetrated in too many of our nations cities.

I can recollect hearing it stated in the past that the justification for the production, broadcasting, and commodification of hateful and violent forms of entertainment is that the "viewing or playing of such creations had a 'cathartic' effect upon viewers, listeners, and players exposed to, or immersed into such productions, and that that effect was a "good and desirable thing".

However, when I performed an internet search upon the word "catharsis" I found a resource claiming that the word refers to a concept first discussed by the Greek philosopher Aristotle, who apparently observed that viewing such theatrically portrayed violence "relieved audience members from emotions of fear and pity".

Assuming for the sake of discussion that that definition of the word "catharsis" is accurate, is it really good and desirable to patronize or produce forms of entertainment that cause audience members to afterwards to feel a possibly false sense of security, or less compassion for those weaker than themselves, some of whom may be suffering terribly?

Whether Aristotle was merely making an observation of the psychological effects of such theatrically-portrayed violence, or less likely advocating the continued production and promotion of such events, I do not know, but I do believe that watching, listening, or participating in such spectacles can have a reinforcing effect upon the thoughts or ideas of violence in the minds of some audiences members and participants, and thus I would prefer not to patronize, play, or participate in the production of such creations.

Since it appears that thoughts and feelings lead to speech, and that speech can lead to actions, I believe that those of us who are capable of it should endeavor to only consume, promote, and produce movies, music, music videos, television programs, and video games that promote values we want to see more widely adopted and practiced in our respective societies, and avoid consuming, promoting or producing products that promote or glorify the opposite values, such as hatred and violence.

November 20, 2015:

Here's a puzzle I conceived of that you might enjoy:

Imagine that you are alone in a room, and in the room with you are two identical, unmarked doors, one of which leads to Heaven, and the other of which leads to hell.

In the room with you are also two identical, indistinguishable, omniscient computers, one of which always lies in response to any inquiry, and the other of which always tells the truth.

You are able to ask one question of one computer.

What question could you formulate that you could ask of one of the computers in order to obtain the information you need to know which door to open in order to get to heaven?

Feel free to contact me for the solution.

November 18, 2015:

The obverse of my new business card design:

November 15, 2015:

In light of the recent violence in Paris, I am of the opinion that our nations federal government should utilize the squadrons of aircraft that it has at its disposal to airdrop tons of "Kava" root down into the vicinity of traumatized populations in current and prior warzones all across the middle east, and anywhere else on this planet where people are fighting, in order to help those people who are likely suffering from "Post TraumaticStress Disorder" (P.T.S.D.), to relax and cope with they, and their families likely catastrophic losses.

You can learn more about Kava root by exploring the "Body" page of this web site:


November 14, 2015:

As we individually and collectively increase our capacity to work in close proximity with one another for longer and longer periods of time without antagonism, or worst of all, outbursts of hostility, we will be much more likely to be able to create and construct more and more impressive feats of engineering.

For example, if we can stop fighting with one another personally and nationally we would have a lot more time, energy, material, and money to build great things such as skateboard parks at which the entire skateable surface of the park is coated with a substance that emits a repulsive magnetic field, causing a metal board with a rider upon it to levitate.

October 30, 2015:

The next coming war, and how it can be avoided:

In addition to the more than one million people killed during the perpetration of the first "gulf" war fought by our nations military against the nation of Iraq, there has also been an estimated 500,000 to almost one million more people killed as a result of the second such "gulf" war recently (and reputedly currently) being fought by our nations military against that same nation, under the false pretense that such a "pre-emptive" war is being perpetrated to "prevent that 'rouge' nation from obtaining nuclear weapons".

Now it appears that the same powerful men inside of our nations oil and methane extracting, refining, transporting, distribution, and sales infrastructure who perpetrated that first "gulf" war are conspiring behind the scenes to perpetrate another, similar war against the nation of Iran, which according to the online encyclopedia "Wikipedia", is a nation which sits upon what are apparently the second largest reserves of oil and methane in the world.

As I have stated on the "Peace" page of this website, our nation is in possession of the largest nuclear arsenal in the world, estimated at over 7,600 such weapons, each at least as powerful as either one of the two that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, at the end of the second world war, and so the claim that our nations military needs to perpetrate another war "on terror" against Iran, ostensibly to prevent that nation from obtaining even one such weapon, is absurd, particularly when you reflect upon the fact that our nation is the only one in the history of the hueman race to ever detonate such an insanely destructive weapon upon the people of any other nation, even under the guise of a "war".

And so, despite the recent "nuclear weapons test ban agreement" engineered by our President, our allies, and that newly targeted nation: Iran, the fact is that a similar agreement was signed, and was in effect between our nation, our allies, and Iraq, for at least a decade preceding the second "gulf" war fought against that nation (which resulted in anywhere from five hundred thousand to over one million people being killed, including too many thousands of children) and so unless we do something to prevent it, it may be only a matter of time until a new executive administration determined to perpetrate such an identically destructive war is elected into power over our nations federal government, and the men and women serving in our nations armed forces are sent off to attack the nation of Iran, just as they were so insanely sent off to fight against, and destroy Iraq.

Personally I don't think that is acceptable, and I perceive the perpetration of such wars to be possibly provocatory to nations that also possess nuclear weapons, and who may be tempted to deploy them against us, or our allies, in a possible future, third world war.

October 18, 2015:

To expand upon a quote I heard once:

I try not to attribute to arrogance, malevolence, or belligerence that
which can be explained by ignorance, incompetence, or negligence.

October 12, 2015:

I just posted fifty of these new fliers of mine up around public places, and into the mailboxes of a few local, social organizations:

October 11, 2015:

Although capital gains tax rates on the profitable sale of corporate stock have been raised from their scandalously low fifteen per cent rate seen up until just a few years ago, the fact is that all of the unpaid taxes that never made it into the United States treasury represent much of the financial differential that has caused the multitrillion dollar debt that the United States of Americas federal government (and by extension, every taxpayer in America), is now responsible for repaying.

That debt is making it impossible for our nations federal government to pay for things such as:

Higher education

Housing for the homeless


A host of other social upliftment programs that are sorely needed in this country.

October 9, 2015:

When I was young, I used to think it was okay to fight, but now that I see that fighting can lead to wars, and that wars can lead to little children being hurt or killed, I have changed my mind and am trying to restructure my brain and nervous system so that I will be able to tolerate being struck by another human being without feeling the urge to defend myself, or worse, to hit them in return.

October 7, 2015:

Despite the fact that many of the previous dozens of antiwar fliers I made and posted up around this college campus (and all around the local off campus town) appear to have been torn down, I am continuing to print up dozens of these new digital fliers I made, am coloring them in with magic markers, and am posting them up all over the place again.

Feel free to click on them, save them, or print them out for your own use (or misuse) if you would like, or to share them with those in your Facebook or Google+ social networking circles:

October 6, 2015:

United States of American federal government policies I disapprove of:

1: All of the repeated, seemingly endless wars that have been going on for at least the last seventy five years, and which are killing millions of people around the world, wasting trillions of dollars of taxpayer money, and making us millions more enemies, many of whom now undoubtedly want revenge.

2: The misguided policy of killing people who kill people, ostensibly to either:

"Prove" that killing is wrong


"Deter" people from killing more people in the future.

How is perpetrating a killing going to prevent more killing in the future, if our government is conspiring to perpetrate such a killing right now?

I am of the belief that if any so called "authority" figure is caught perpetrating the same types of misconduct that they are also simultaneously condemning, and punishing when engaged in by others, then that authority figure is, by definition, illegitimate.

Perhaps it is time for us to start opposing some, or all of these objectionable policies?

If you agree, then feel free to visit the "Peace" page of this website.

October 5, 2015:

"California’s two biggest utilities have just fired the first shots in a battle over the state’s net metering future by proposing a system that would pay future solar-equipped customers less for the (home generated) electricity they feed back into the grid, as well as imposing monthly charges for the utility power they consume."

From here:  http://www.greentechmedia.com/…/california-utilities-plan-f…


My comments:

Simultaneously decreasing the amount of money residential generators of electricity are paid for the power they feed onto the electrical grid, and at the same time levying new, monthly charges onto them, is indicative of a likelihood that the utility companies statisticians have not invested sufficient time in more precisely calculating the positive, or negative, dollar-amount-impact home generators of electricity are having upon costs to maintain the grid.

Let's hope that they do.

October 4, 2015:

Now that we here in the United States of America have enjoyed our "victory" in the "cold war" against Russia for the last twenty something years, maybe all the scientists that we have busy inventing and producing weapons can be retrained to instead be able to speak, read, and write foreign languages such as Russian and Arabic, so that we can begin to learn to co-operate with the people of those nations rather than continuing to waste our minds, time, money, and energy preparing to fight with them?

October 1, 2015:

Perhaps I am laboring under a delusion, but I have been convinced that many of the wars that are currently being fought in the "middle eastern" region of the land surface area of our planet are being caused, in part, by the desire for easy access to the oil and methane reserves that are reputedly very close to the earths surface in that part of the world?

I have also been convinced that western oil and "natural gas" exploration companies have seismomagnetically mapped the entire crust of much (if not most) of the Earths surface, in an effort to find easy-to-extract oil and methane reserves, and that their findings have concluded that the area referred to as the "middle east" sits on top of the largest, most easily accessable reserves of close-to-the-surface, oil and methane on earth.

September 20, 2015:

In the field of "Physics", reference is often made to the "first fundamental law of thermodynamics", which states that:

"every action has an equal, and opposite, reaction."

That same law can also be applied to human conduct.

For example, if we love and accept others, we find that we are able to be loved and accepted wherever we go.

If we hate others, we will find that we will find a feeling of fear of being hated generated inside of ourselves.

If we entertain thoughts of violence against others, we will find that we will suddenly feel afraid of becoming the target of violence, and thus, will feel the urge to flee the public space.

So, what we psycho-emotionally project into the heart/mind space of the people around us (whether it be in public, or in private life), we will find that we can expect to become the recipient of in return.

September 12, 2015:

The healthy aspects of unleavened bread:

Because yeast, when introduced into the body, can rapidly colonize, and subsequently suffocate, our lungs, and other body tissues (leading to oxygen starvation, and eventual cell death), it is best to avoid all foods containing yeast, such as:

Most refined, commercial breads

Most commercially available pastries, cakes, and cookies



Better alternatives are:

Unleavened bread


Whole grain breads manufactured without the inclusion of yeast.

More information about these ideas is on the "Body" page of this website, which you can navigate to by clicking:


September 1, 2015:

While confined to prison for arguing with some police officers due to their alleged mistreatment of an anti-war protester friend of mine, I had the opportunity to witness a lot of things I never wanted to witness, and learn a few things I never wanted to learn. For example, while being held in the "intake" unit of the prison until I could be brought before a judge, I noticed that I was repeatedly confined in very small, claustrophobic spaces with men who had either:

Murdered hueman beings (in some cases even one of their own parents)

Raped women


Nearly fatally assaulted others.

Many of the men I encountered often appeared to be quite a bit larger than most of the rest of us, and as time passed it became readily apparent that some of them were so disturbed that they appeared to be actively plotting and positioning themselves within the confines of those group cells to violently assault me, or any other random man unfortunate enough to fall within their murderous grasp, often for what seemed to be for no apparent reason that I or anyone else could discern, and so I have to reveal that I felt distinctly uncomfortable being confined against my will awaiting trial on an unproven misdemeanor "trespassing" charge with men who appeared to be predisposed to perpetrate random, possibly fatal violence upon others, for what appeared to be flimsiest of pretenses.

It was also very disconcerting to know that some of the men I was confined against my will with had already been convicted of serious violent crimes, such as murder, rape, kidnapping, strong armed robbery, and felonious assault, and some of them facing long (sometimes decades to possibly life long) sentences, and so a disturbingly significant number of them appeared to feel as if they had little, or nothing left to lose by possibly murdering me, or any one of the other merely accused men confined with us in those small group cells who might happen to fall within those desperate mens possibly fatal grasp.

So, speaking from experience I think it is unwise for the "judicial" system in this nation to continue to confine men in to "general intake" prisons for allegedly perpetrating minor violations such as failing to pay a traffic ticket or for playing their home stereo music too loud, with other men in the exact same group prison cells, hallways, and dining facilities that have already been convicted of serious violent crimes such as rape, murder, kidnapping, strong armed robbery, or felonious assault, and thus are inordinately desperate due to the fact that they are likely facing the prospect of being confined inside those depressing and dangerous facilities for decades, and in some cases, even the rest of their lives.

August 25, 2015:

Observations on the dehumanization of the poorest among us, in this case the homeless, by examining the etymology of the word "vagrant", which appears to be a combination of the words:

"Vague": meaning shadowy or unclear


"Varmint": which connotes a pesky, 'thief of a critter' assumed to be worthy of extermination.

For those reasons I perceive the word "vagrant" to be an unacceptable term of reference when alluding to homeless people, who I have now begun to refer to as Domestic Refugees.

August 15, 2015:

(my paraphrasing of a Buddhist maxim):

If you want peace in the world, work for peace in your nation
If there's no peace in your nation work for peace in your city
If there's no peace in your city, work for peace in your family
And if there's no peace in your family,work for inner peace.

August 9, 2015:

From my perspective, the implementation of the following macrospheric United States national federal-governmental political and economic would likely be helpful in making our world a better place for future generations:

Put a stop to all the wars being fought by our nations military overseas, and make peace.

Build large scale, alternative energy technology energy transmutation infrastructure to power our homes, cars, schools, hospitals, and industries, so that we no longer have to rely upon oil and methane (the affordable accumulation of which, I believe, is one of the underlying root causes of the wars our nations military is reputedly, repeatedly fighting in oilrich regions of the Middle East, Africa, and Asia).


Redirect all the money currently being spent on destroying and rebuilding other countries and their citizenry, on housing the homeless, feeding the hungry, and healing the sick, not only here in the U.S.A., but also in the nations we have hurt.

August 8, 2015:

“They change the name of the mission, but the mission doesn’t change.”

- said the relative of a sergeant serving in Afghanistan.

Although the United States militaries “Operation Enduring Freedom” war in Afghanistan is officially “over”, “Operation Resolute Support”, in which eleven thousand United States dispatched military aggressors, supported by warplanes and drones, have carried out twice as many attacks this past June and July, as they did in previous months.

It is going to take increased interaction with members of Congress, federal policymakers, and members of the United States of America’s mass media, academic, and religious establishments in order to bring this militant aggression to an end.

July 23, 2015:

Why is there a conspicuous absence of a "draft" during wartime in the United States of America?

It is my personal belief, that the only reason why the United States of America hasn't had a draft since the Vietnam War is because:

Our nations "leaders" realized that their strategy of FORCING people to go and fight was unwise, because it caused resistance (sometimes violent resistance)


Our nations socioeconomic stratification has become so unequal that our "leaders" can now offer the legions of desperately economically dispossessed (and unemployed) people money as an inducement to go and fight with people they have never even met, in some foreign country that most Americans could probably never afford to visit in their wildest dreams.

July 22, 2015:

I am thoroughly convinced that the combination of an increasing number of children born with no reliable, nonviolent male role model in their home, combined with the culture of portraying and glorifying violence in video games, movies, television, and in mass bloodsport spectacles such as the “Ultimate Fighting Championship”, and the “Mixed Martial Arts” contests represents a ticking time bomb for the safety and wellbeing of large numbers of people here in the United States of America.

Rather than blaming single mothers, or absentee fathers, perhaps it would be wiser to:

Pressure the United States-based corporations who derive profits from the production and distribution of such violence-promoting mass media to stop


Encourage them (and other producers of mass electronic entertainment) to produce nonviolent, socially uplifting alternatives, such as video games that require it's participants to travel around the local community in which they reside and perform good deeds for the elderly, disabled, poor, and single mothers that they meet.

If there's anyone out there that would like to confer with me on this idea, feel free to message or email me any time.

July 21, 2015:

Disturbing examples of socioeconomically fascist propaganda in the United States of America in which rich and powerful people are praised, while poor and powerless people are demonized and scapegoated:

The cyclical hatred stoked by some politicians and television news networks for food stamps recipients who trade away their relatively puny few hundred dollar monthly allowances for half their value in cigarettes or alcohol, because those self medicating substances help alleviate their chronic (and often justified) depression, while the hundreds of billions of dollars stolen from the American people annually by corrupt United States-based corporations is either ignored, or given cursory attention, by those same national news networks:


While the many multitrillion dollar "war on terror" continues:



The skewed portrayal of homeless people as evil, and worthy of our hatred and contempt, while from the conversations I've had with many of them, they are often victims of abuse or fraud, and yet are routinely identified in the news media by their undesirable socioeconomic status when their alleged crimes are reported.

The demonization of, and hatred displayed towards, immigrating "Okies", who fled famine plagued Oklahoma during the great depression of the United States of America during the 1920's, to fertile (yet violently hostile) California, as portrayed by Pulitzer Prize winning author John Steinbeck in his classic, factual based book: "The Grapes of: Wrath".

July 15, 2015:

I believe that:

The glorified portrayal of violence in the mass media in the United States of America is a strong, contributing factor in the outbreak of mass murders that we have seen in environments such as schools, churches, movie theaters, and even elementary schools, and that the refusal by film producers to continue to portray violence at all will help a lot towards decreasing the psychological desensitivity that many serial killers undoubtedly possess when deciding to commit their crimes.

The production and distribution of pornography is warping the minds of repeated generations of American men, and that it is a factor towards womens decisions to utilize birth control, and resort to abortion, as the hatred they likely begin to feel towards themselves inevitably transfers to the phenomenon, and product, of pregnancy itself.

The existence of millions of homeless men, women, and children in the United States of America, while millions of residential (and potentially convertible commercial spaces) remain unrented on the market, equates to a national failure of morality, as well as providing concrete refutation of the basic theories of "efficient markets hypothesis", upon which much of western capitalist, economic thought rests.

The phenomenon (and increasingly, the necessity) of women entering the workforce in huge numbers, (which prior to the “Cold War” against the Soviet Union, was a phenomenon seen only during wartime) is evidence that:

This nations federal government has been at war for more than seventy five years,

and that:

Those wars are:

Financially bankrupting this nations federal government


Diplomatically sullying the moral reputation of this nations people


More enemies all over this planet who hate us

and leading do:

The unnecessary deaths, dismemberments (and displacements) of millions of men, women, and children world wide.

Before the federal government of this nation perpetrates any more militant moralizing "crusades" against any more of any of the other nations situated up on various areas of the land surface of this planet, that that elected agency must first fix the social, personal, and financial problems that have been plaguing the people residing, working, and conducting business here with in its official borders of "authority".

Extreme wealth inequality in this nation represents a threat to the social stability of our (so called) "civilization"

and that:

If nothing is done to (as our nations elected President has advised) "redistribute the wealth" more equitably, then in the the future we may see more violent riots and acts of domestic war, such as those we have seen in New York City, Boston (Massachusetts) and Paris (France) in the past.

and (finally) that:

The existence of hazing in college fraternities, on sports teams, and in military organizations in the United States of America, is creating repeated generations of schizophrenic/psychotics, and that the creation of such individuals (most of whom are numb to the phenomenon of infliction of trauma onto themselves and others, represents a threat, not just to men, but to women and children, not just within the United States, but all over the world), as such traumatized and potentially violent individuals are sent into repeated military conflicts around the world.

June 29, 2015:

According to an October 16, 2011 New York Times article (at that time) the poorest ninety nine per cent of this nations population own only less than half of all of the accumulated wealth in this nation.

All so, to paraphrase what was illustrated in the book "The Great Divergence", by Timothy Noah (linked to at the bottom of this article):

90% of American households receive only 50% of all the new wealth generated in this country every year

and that:

Over the last 30 years, the poorest 10% of Americans have gone from having no wealth at all, to being thousands (to tens of thousands) of dollars in debt.

Middle class Americans have seen their yearly incomes shrink (making it more frequently necessary for both partners in a marriage household to work, having less time to spend with their children, and with each other, leading to higher rates of divorce, depression, juvenile delinquency, alcoholism, drug abuse, & suicide.

Those same working class Americans are seeing their once decent paying manufacturing, and managerial jobs shipped overseas to low wage paying countries, by United States based corporations that circumvent United States labor and environmental laws (in an effort to cut costs and increase corporate profits), by disposing of possibly cancer causing factory chemicals into other nations environments, while reputedly working the men, women, (and even children) up to twelve hours a day, up to six and seven days a week, in sweat shop type conditions.

The vast majority of the economic profits generated by the institution of such costcutting measures have gone, not into the pockets of average working Americans (who own relatively tiny amounts of corporate stock), but rather into the pockets of the already wealthy owners of the vast majority of the corporate stock in the United States of America, making the rich richer, the poor poorer, and the hard-working middle class in America very, very angry.

In the past, such anger at such extreme levels of wealth inequality (such as those that exist in the United States of America today), have historically been witnessed just prior to violent internal revolutions, such as the French Revolution:


during which anywhere from 1 million to 2 million human beings were reputedly killed in a series of conflicts fought in (and by) France.

For those reasons, it is my firm belief that:

Wealth in the United States of America must be shared more equally,


If internal or external violence does result, that we, as responsible men and women in our communities, must be peacemakers, and not contribute to the violence, nor to the hateful rhetoric that fuels and irresponsibly validates it:





June 26, 2015:

As a former stock broker and investment analyst, I truly believe that our nations previous federal governmental executive administrations economic policies of simultaneously:

Reducing the capital gains tax rate on sales of corporate stock to merely 15%

Wasting more than six trillion dollars on all of the insane wars against various Muslim nations


Completely eliminating the estate tax

Are the three major, destructive factors that are threatening to sabotage the financial solvency (and which have all ready sabotaged themoral reputation) of this nation.

The cut in the capital gains tax rate, combined with the offshoring of millions of American manufacturing jobs to low wage paying southeast Asian countries, have created record corporate profits, (as evidenced by record stock market highs), but the simultaneous decrease in capital gains taxes caused the vast majority of those huge profits to be funneled directly into the pockets of already wealthy multibillionaires who own most corporate stock, making them even richer, while the middle class got poor, and the poor became permanently homeless.

The only way to remove the United States of America's federal government from it's debtor status, is to:

Put an end to the "defense" departments insane wars and military culture-seeding projects all over the world.

Make deep spending reductions in the amount of money spent on military hardware, training, and war


Redirect all that money to society and environment improving projects, such as the development of alternative energy sources, such as solar power, wind power, and wave power.

June 10, 2015:

Sadly, I fear that violent attacks upon human beings such as the following:



are going to occur with terrifyingly increasing frequency in Russia (and also here in the United States of America), until the governments of both nations stop arming, training, and dispatching fighters into conflicts with other nations around the world.

One can not help but notice the disproportionately high level of ruthlessness embodied in such cowardly attacks, and I believe that there are a few reasons for it:

First, Chechnya was formerly a colony of Russia (the old "Soviet Union") and the notoriously high rate of alcoholism in Russia and Chechnya is probably depleting many of the essential minerals from their peoples bodies and brains. Those minerals are crucial for the proper firing of electrical impulses through brain dendrites and neurons, and thus are crucial for experiencing coherent (and socially acceptable) thoughts, as well s the emotions that ones thoughts create.

When one consumes alcohol for too long, ones brain dries up, shrivels, and can no longer sustain coherent thought (a condition euphemistically and derogatorally referred to as "wet brain"), thus making one much more likely to engage in insane thinking, and as a result, experience the kind of hateful and vengeful emotions that lead to such irrational violent, criminal attacks upon even innocent little children.

The second reason I would point to in an attempt to explain the disproportionately severe level of ruthlessness characteristic of acts of terrorism allegedly perpetrated by Chechynan nationals is that the apparent lack of violent impulse control exhibited by the men perpetrating such attacks may be due to their likely over consumption of refined, table salt, historically used in the pickling method of food preservation in the extreme northern Arctic regions. Sodium/Chloride ("table salt") is known to cause destabilizing chemical reactions in the human body (and in the brain), leading to extreme mineral depletion, subsequent mineral imbalances and deficiencies, leading to incoherent and sociopathic cognition, resulting in possible murderously violent outbursts.

Very high consumption of alcohol, particularly beer, is known to be associated with high levels of consumption of foods containing table salt, such as pretzels, potato chips, sausage, and other refined, highly processed, and over-salted meats and grains (such as those very commonly found in Northern European and Russian nations).

The third factor which I suspect is contributing to the dangerously lethal outbursts of violence perpetrated by disgruntled Chechneyan terrorists may be the large number of idle, impoverished, and angry, out-of-work electrical, mechanical, and chemical engineers formerly employed by the Communist Soviet Union. When the Soviet Union attempted to convert its economy to a Western, privatelyowned corporate model of production and ownership, many formerly governmentally owned military/industrial defense corporations likely shed hundreds of thousands of workers (and likely tens of thousands of highly skilled engineers), leaving a massive pool of angry, unemployed, disgruntled, highly-technically-trained, radicalized (by the Russian/Chechynan civil war) former employees, with too much time, knowledge anger, and hatred on their hands.


The fourth possible reason I see for the highly lethel level of violence characteristic of acts of terrorism allegedly perpetrated by Chechynans, is the widespread adoption of Islam (likely as a nominally "religious" oppositional orientation to the dominant nominal "Christian" culture of most of the people residing within the territory of the Russian government they perceive as suppressing they, their families, and their neighbors).

(My understanding is that such perceptions are quite common within some of the republics that were formed during the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, likely as a result of resulting economic impoverishment and quasi-"religious" existential alienation, frustration, and despair resulting from the fragmentation of that former Soviet Union,... and possibly even the rapid (and possibly traumatic) moral decay (such as the rapid infection of the Russian population with pornography and prostitution due to the sudden onset of crushing poverty) that accompanied the sudden attempted (and failed) adoption of "Western" style capitalism.)

I personally believe that those four factors are going to continue to combine so that we will likely (and disappointingly) see more and more frequent, and possibly, more and more sophisticated, Chechnyan perpetrated terrorist attacks upon Russian, Western, and possibly Christian, targets in the future.

So, what can we do to help stop these potential terrorist attacks?

First, I think putting those out of work engineers and technical professionals back to work in some sort of constructive, productive, technical endeavor will help immensely. Perhaps Russia (and/or Chechnya) can send them to China (or Brazil), or to some other country that is rapidly progressing industrially, and is in need of engineers to help design and build bridges, dams, power plants, highways, and other technical structures for the good of those countries populations.

Second, trying to instill a cannabis culture, in place of the Russian/Chechnyan alcohol saturated culture could probably be highly beneficial, as cannabis tends to calm people down, while temporarily stabilizing their brain chemistries, helping to defuse the anger and resentment that seems to permeate much of post-Soviet Union Russian & Chechnyan life.


Third, helping Russians and Chechnyans adopt healthier diets, that involved the consumption of less refined, table salt, while encouraging farming on (and in) soils that are properly, naturally, mineralized, might also help immensely. If those three measures are taken, then perhaps we can see a marked improvement in the psychological and emotional stability of Chechynans (and Russians?), hopefully decreasing the likelihood of violence, and thus, making the world safer for everyone.

June 1, 2015:

While visiting Miami Beach two Memorial Day weekends ago, I was told of an incident during the 2011 tourist season, in which a black male motorist was ruthlessly shot 16 times, (after over 100 bullets were fired at him), because he fled a police officer who witnessed him "peeling out" on a public street.

Four innocent bystanders were also shot... all as a result of an insane over-reaction to a man peeling out for fun at 4:00 a.m. on a holiday weekend, in a lively tourist city.

When I reflect on the additional police killings of:

Black teenager Michael Brown near Ferguson, Missouri.

Black teenager Trayvon Martin, in Miami Gardens, Florida
(which my friend, rapper "Skittles" has recorded a song about ):


As well as this list of unarmed people "of color" killed by police, from just 1999 to 2014:


It is clear to me that there is a very serious, and fundamentally unjust inability of the militant police and heavily armed civilian forces here in the United States of America to effectively and nonviolently relate to the members of the various beseiged, and historically victimized, black communities suffering within this nations confines.

As a result of those, and other incidents of heavy handed (sometimes fatal) police mistreatment of civilians of various ethnicities and appearance types within the borders of authority of this nations federal government, perhaps it is time that the men mythologizing and perpetuating this nations paranoid/schizophrenic "gun culture" (so aptly and terrifyingly embodied by the oft repeated psychotic adage to "shoot first, and ask questions later") be re-examined?

For example, from the little bit that I flatter myself to believe that I know, it appears that in nations such as the United Kingdom, their nations police officers usually merely carry batons (or "night sticks") yet I was informed that their nation does not appear to suffer from the same terrifying levels of deadly violence and mayhem that that this nation (the United States of America) repeatedly suffers from.

Is it possible that, just as:

"To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail."

Individual and group possessors of firearms here in the United States of America are suffering from a delusion where, to a man (or woman) with a such a weapon, everything (and even more frighteningly:  everyone) appears to be a potential target?

April 8, 2015:

It seems unwise to keep people locked in prison for nonviolent drug sales offenses.

I don't sell drugs, but isn't it punishment enough that they will have those convictions on their searchable record, and have to try to explain that to potential employers every time they try to find a legal job?

March 31, 2015:

When capital gains taxes on profits from the sale of corporate stock were cut from regular income tax rates of 25 to 28%, to merely 15%, that is when the major economic inequality of the end of the second millennium (and beginning of the 3rd millennium) in the United States began.

That misguided policy (along with the insane spending on the Iraq, Afghan, Syrian, and other aggressive, overseas wars) are what caused the United States of Americas federal government debt to balloon from $6 trillion dollars, to over $16 trillion dollars, threatening millions of Americans plans for retirement on (or aided by) Social Security.

As a result, it appears that the United States federal government has been selectively choosing biased inflation statistics, to incorrectly portray an artificially low rate of consumer price increases, to justify their refusal to increase retirees yearly social security benefits by the appropriate percentage, so those retirees can maintain their current (and planned for) standard of living in their old age.

If the wars, and the insane over-spending continue, that trend of yearly insufficient retirement benefit percentage increases will also continue, and possibly even get more pronounced as time goes on, putting retirees plans in further jeopardy.

Many economists perceive that levels of economic inequality in the United States of America are at levels of disparity more extreme than they have been among this nations people since the 1930's.

I see a few likely reasons for this:

The "off shoring" of manufacturing jobs to predominantly Asian countries that allow United States based multinational corporations to circumvent the labor and environmental standards that U.S. labor laws require employers to adhere to when determining fair employee pay and working conditions appear to have predominantly returned economic gains the relatively small percentage of Americans who own the vast majority of corporate stock


The undermining of our nations labor unions (which were one of the main institutions that helped create this nations "middle" class (which is generally perceived to have been the backbone of our nations former social stability)) has made it difficult for workers to receive wages adequate enough for them to be able to live at a standards that allows them to feel equal to those with more.

I personally believe that the disempowerment of this nations "middle class" has given rise to levels of anger, resentment, and discontentment among tens of millions of our nations people, and I am of the perception that those destructive emotions have been, and are still being, channeled into two main categories of sociopathically expressed hate:

Domestically, as witnessed in such troubling phenomena as the sudden appearance and manic popularity of "Mixed Martial Art" and "Ultimate Fighting Championship" "contests", in which participants pummel one another bloody inside a ring or "octagon" with no padding on their fists


Internationally, as witnessed by the recruitment, training, and deployment of hundreds of thousands of soldiers by our nations federal government and military apparatii into territories of other nations, ostensibly to engage into bloody, hand to hand, or mechanized (even remotely, robotically conducted) combat with the citizens and residents of those other nations).

I perceive those phenomena to be symptomatic of powerfully destructive, and potentially lethal threats to the further perpetuation and enjoyment of the peace and freedoms that the founding fathers of this nation (and generations of subsequent immigrants worked (and sadly, fought) so hard to secure), and believe that strenuous have to be made to reshape the attitudes and culture which are giving rise to such "life" (death) styles, lest things continue to devolve for too many tens of millions of people on our planet.

I also believe that it would be potentially helpful for us if we were to co-operate internationally, to try to create, promote, and implement policies that could prove to be helpful to the relatively "permanent" establishment of peace, both within our individual communities, neighborhoods, towns, cities, counties, states, and nations, and perhaps even upon our planet as a whole, and so I am of the opinion that to truly secure peace among all of the various peoples and tribes of people who live, work, and reside within the borders of authority of this nations federal government, we should endeavor to do our best to attempt to guarantee at least some, minimal level of economic equality to every man, woman, and child .

March 30, 2015:

"War is bad for children, and other living beings."

That quote from a concerned mother captures very well the truth that war, in actuality, does not really solve any of our problems, but rather often only creates more problems, such as deep seated despair, loss of families loved ones, and lingering resentment and hatred which can often endure for many, many generations into the future.

Yet, for some reason violent opposition to others is a very deep rooted feature of our strange American "culture"... as witnessed in a wide variety of troubling phenomena, such as the weekly ritual of members of opposing "foot"ball teams destructively clashing their bodies against one other on football fields for onlooking crowds supposed enjoyment, to boxers (or worse: "cage fighters") pummeling one other bloody inside of, what used to be perceived as "boxing" rings (but which are now more frequently and commonly beginning to resemble actual cages), to children's toys that emulate and (likely unintentionally) teach participating children to mimic such destructively confrontational rituals.

I am of the opinion that it seems unwise for us to continue to allow children to view, or to learn to engage in such destructively confrontational, quasi military activities and (mis)behaviours, and I think strenuous efforts should be made to attempt to upgrade our collective, apparently ultramilitant, "culture", lest more of our (or other) nations men, women, and even children continue to get hurt, maimed, dismembered, traumatized, or killed.

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