Good Health is a Type of Wealth:

Many people have squandered vast amounts of time, energy and money attempting to improve (or regain) their physical health... and some have even gone bankrupt in the process. All though our minds can both nourish (and destroy) our bodies, our bodies can all so manifest the states of mind which initiate those constructive (and destructive) processes. Since I have all ready explained a number of different techniques that you can utilize to optimize your state of mind (on that synonymously titled page of this website) here on this page you will find a number of different ways that you can intervene in to the constructive (and destructive) processes which ultimately determine your level (or lack) of over all health... on this material plane of being.

First, when attempting to improve your health through alterations in the physical substances that you ingest as food (or liquid) it is important to recognize that most people are usually (chronically) suffering from one (or both) of the following symptoms:



Inability to breathe effectively.

Since we can survive for longer with out water than we can without oxygen, it is often wise to focus on optimizing your breathing as the foundation of your physical well being, and unfortunately... our breathing is not all ways as optimal as it could (or should) be. The reason why many people's breathing is impaired is be cause the foods that they eat are interfering with their lungs ability to absorb oxygen from our planets atmosphere.

Eliminating one detrimental food at a time from your diet is an essential first step towards improving ones health, and towards laying a foundation for subsequential improvements in your physique. Sufficient water consumption is crucial, and up to one gallon per day of distilled (or purified) water is necessary for most people that ingest the ("S.A.D."): standard American diet of meats, eggs, cheeses, milk, processed grains (and sugars) and baked sweets.

Here is a vertical spectrum of: the lightest (cleanest) foods that you can eat listed at the top, descending down a list... and identifying the heaviest (most toxic) foods that some people still eat (at the bottom):

Inner Light: the energetic (vibrationally composed {"ethereal"}) source of our (physical) selves.

Air: the (gaseously) molecular (primary) fuel which is burnt by our bodies metabolic process(es).

Water: the only liquid that we can (really) absorb easily (and: healthily).

Fruits: through which we are: taking from nature, but if we spit the seeds out, we are giving back.

Vegetables: the same concept, but we have to bend down to uproot them, and so it is a lower activity.

Nuts (and seeds): are the eggs of plants, but with out the potential for a nervous system.

Leaves: are the mineral nutrient storage (and sun {light} ray capturing) part(s) of a plant.

Grains: are: dried plants devoid of water (and {vital} enzymes).

Roots: are the water (and mineral) absorbing appendages of a plant, with out which it will die. 

Milk: Is sustenance for baby animals.

Cheese: the: same, but is (often) dangerously mixed with refined salt (a.k.a: sodium chloride).

Eggs: the embryo(s) of a future (baby) animal.

Fish: a living creature, with a nervous system that feels pain.

Poultry: the: same, but birds have a terranian heart, and so it is karmically worse to eat.

Beef: similarly unhealthy (and cruel) but it contains more (karmically damaging) blood (and is {too often} full of synthetic {and [thus]: dangerous [some times carcinogenic]} hormonal analogues).

Pork: is the worst "food" (be cause swine are reputedly often fed the worst toxic refuse in farm yards).

The more foods that we ingest from the top of the list, the less water that we will need to: flush our bodies cells clean, and the more foods that we eat from the bottom of the list, the more water we will need to flush out all of the resultant bacteria (pollutants {and toxins}).

Ingesting adequate quantities of pure (clean) water is all so necessary to clean out all of the chemical residues left behind in our bodies as a result of the metabolization of dangerous (synthetic) pesticides (and {laboratory manufactured} "man made" medications {many of which are poisonous [as you will see if you examine the list of dangerous <and: some times: deadly> side effects described on the backs of: over the counter <"O.T.C."> medication packagings>] or the product inserts accompanying most prescription medications}). 

Those toxic, metabolic waste products can accumulate in side of our bodies organs, glands, and fat cells, where they can interfere with the proper absorption of the vitamins (and minerals) that we need in order to be (get {and: stay}): healthy. They can also cause molecular chaos in side of our bodies cells, by interfering with the chemical reactions needed to allow necessary chemical transmutations, so that the nutrients that we need can be manufactured, and the toxic poisons that we have ingested can be transmuted in to (harmless) chemical waste products (so that they can {then} be: either:

- stored safely inside of our bodies fat cells,


- benignly excreted through our bodies liquid {or solid} waste products).

Drinking adequate quantities of pure, clean water is crucial to keeping our blood properly hydrated (so that it can filter through our bodies {various} eliminatory organs {and assist our lymph fluid in its function of vacuuming the toxic [chemical <metabolic>] wastes from our bodies organs [and tissues] so that they can [then] be: safely removed}).

That function is crucial for our bodies health, be cause when such functions are not performed those chemical wastes accumulate in side of our bodies (various types of) cells, where they can oxidize and cause cell death, disease, and in (extreme) cases: cancer (and other chronic {and some times: deadly} diseases). Ideally, chemical (and bacteriological) poisons should be prevented from entering in to our bodies cells (at all) but in the event that they do enter them, they must be drawn out (and in to our: bodies lymph fluid) by: a: cellular fluid transfer process (referred to as: "osmosis").  

From there, it appears that toxic poisons are (then) transferred in to our: bodies: bloodstream, from which they can be filtered out by: various organs (such as our liver {and: kidneys}) so the more clean, pure, unadulterated water that we have flowing through out our physical bodies, the more efficient (and effective) that (osmotic) cleansing process will be. An other (potentially) dangerous residue that has to be disintegrated (and flushed out of our bodies {and: cells}) is the intensely viscous mucus that (protectively) encapsulates dangerous fungi (such as yeast {and [other]: toxic micro-organisms [and the <poisonous> waste products that they excrete <while voraciously consuming the refined sugars that too many of us compulsively] and ignorantly} eat).

Yeast (which is added to most commercial breads, pastries, and beers {to cause the baked goods to "rise" [and the beer to "ferment"]}) is (quite possibly) the (single) most (dangerously) underestimated (ubiquitous) pathogen that too many of: us are: repeatedly (and {paradoxically} willingly) ingesting in to our precious bodies, so if you want to be (truly) healthy you would be wise to (stringently) avoid ingesting it (and any foods containing it). If you would like to consume (substitute) baked grain products that don't contain yeast, feel free to refer to the section of this page (after the icon for the book: "The New Sugar Busters") further down the page.

So, what kind of water should we consume to help us absorb, and our eliminatory organs to safely carry away all of those previously mentioned chemical and bacteriological toxins? Most public drinking water supplies in the United States of America are often, at a minimum, contaminated with one, or more of the following dangerous pollutants:

E coli, and other strains of dangerous bacteria,

Viruses, fungi, molds, and other dangerous, and potentially deadly, micro-pathogens,


Chlorine: a poisonous chemical added to most municipal tap waters, to kill the bacteria and other dangerous micro-organisms, but which in itself represents a chemical threat to our health, because it is toxic to hueman bodies cells.

When we drink water containing chlorine, we are putting our bodies, and the physical health of our loved ones at risk. In liquid form, chlorine can corrode our skin and kill our bodies cells. It readily converts to a gas, which can rise up through sinus cavities and into our brains, killing that crucial organs cells, or it may convert to gas after the water we have drank which contains it is absorbed into our bodies, killing any tissue or vital organ it interacts with.  When inhaled into our lungs, it can kill that organs cells.

A better alternative is to make sure that the water you drink doesn't contain any chlorine, or any of the dangerous micropathogens it is added to water to kill.  If you don't have access to clean well water, then a better alternative is to spend a little extra money and drink only the cleanest water from one of the following sources, starting from The Best at the top of the list, to "decent" types of water at the bottom of the list:

Distilled: is water that has been boiled, so that the pure water molecules rise to the top of the distillation chamber as steam, where they recondense as water droplets, and then slide down the inside of an outer chamber and into a collecting container, leaving one with pure, clean water, while the pollutants are left behind in the original container to be disposed of.

Spring: commercial "spring" waters are legally allowed to be labelled in that way, although they may be collected from a variety of sources, such as:

Melted glaciers or Mountain snow:  Water from these sources often contains health benefiting minerals, most of which are alkaline and many of which rapidly form "electrolytes", which are biochemical nutrients that assist our bodies in transferring required electricity from cell to cell.  

This type of "spring" water is gathered from pools that collect at the bottom of mountain streams, which filter down through mountain rocks, becoming infused with those healthy minerals along the way.

However, most commercial "spring" waters are from underground wells, which, though not usually as clean and healthy as water collected from melted mountain snow or glaciers, is still superior to most municipal sources of tap water transferred through pipes.

One disadvantage to purchasing some commercial underground spring waters, is that one can not always be certain that the source spring is clean and safe, and this can sometimes be difficult to ascertain.

However, it can be done by examining state water testing results of the geographical location of the spring, and those results are usually available through the internet.

Purified: Water of this type is usually purified through "reverse osmosis", which is a purification process during which the water molecules are electromagnetically pulled through microscopic holes in a thin plastic barrier, leaving the contaminants behind, while the pure water is funneled from the clean side of the barrier into suitable storage containers for later use. Some purified water is also put through additional purification processes, and that would improve their desirability factor as far as health benefits are concerned.

All of those three previous types of premium water are generally available in gallon containers at the local supermarket, or in five gallon industrial, or family sized containers from professional delivery, or commercial self serve filling stations.

However, if you can not, or do not want to repeatedly purchase and transport (or pay to transport) the many necessary gallons of pure water to ones home or business for use, then other options are as follows:

Installing a water filtration device onto one's homes water intake pipes, to filter out toxins and pollutants that way,


Using a hand held, home water purification pitcher, such as one from the "Brita" line of purifiers, which I personally don't find to be sufficient, but which are a better alternative than drinking unfiltered, unpurified, chlorinated, municipal sources of tap water.

Once your bodies tissues are a little bit cleaner from drinking and expelling adequate quantities of pure, clean water, you will likely find it easier to breathe more effectively, and properly absorb the oxygen necessary to burn off the excess calories we often consume in our daily diets.

Garlic Juice is a Powerful, Natural Antibiotic:

Quite possibly the single most powerful one known. It is believed to be able to kill a very wide variety of molds, viruses, fungi, and other micropathogens in the human body and blood stream, and has reputedly been observed to even kill the mortally feared A.I.D.S. virus on contact.

If you are self disciplined, and determined enough to desire to ingest garlic juice for whatever reason, you must be very cautious, because it is very, very, very corrosive, and you can hurt yourself is you aren’t very careful. I personally mix anywhere from a thimbleful on up with at least 5 equivalent parts ginger juice, which is the most powerful, natural stomach protectant I know of, and which has the added benefit of counteracting nausea, making it easier not to vomit. 

You may also find it helpful to mix that formula with 5 to 15 parts of an alkaline, leafy or grassy green vegetable juice, such as those extracted from the crushing of: 

Kale, spinach, collard greens, parsley, or wheat grass.

The alkaline nature of such green, leafy vegetable juices will help neutralize the acidity of the highlyacidic garlic juice, and thus serve to provide some added protection for the lining of your stomach. If you have any type of stomach disorder, such as ulcers, acid reflux, or other similar types of conditions, you will have to distort the formula to include less garlic juice, a little more ginger juice, and a lot more green, leafy or grassy juice, lest you burn a hole in the lining of your stomach, which in extreme cases, may be evidenced by the excretion of blood. 

Although I am not a doctor, if you have any questions about this powerful, effective, yet possible harmful procedure, feel free to email me and I will do my best to advise you as to how you may be able to go about engaging in such self medication, as safely as I possibly know how to attempt to advise you to.

Altering the P/H Balance in our Bodies for Health Benefiting Effects:

The acronym “P/H” often refers to a level of acidity or alkalinity.

Inside human bodies, acids can have dangerously corrosive effects upon our teeth, bones and joints, and can also destabilize the physiochemical balance necessary for the proper transmission of electrical impulses through brain and body nerves, sometimes resulting in conditions such as:

Emotional Instability,

Disturbed Cognition,

Loss of Musculoskeletal Stability,




To attempt to eliminate such symptoms, and regain our health and strength, it may sometimes be necessary for a time for us to refuse to consume foods that contain (or when ingested, create) acid, such as:



Many synthetic, over-the-counter ("O.T.C") pain relievers,


Some grains,

And instead only eat foods that are known (or have been experienced) to increase ones bodily alkalinity, such as kale, parsley, spinach, wheat grass, and their juices.

By habitually adhering to such enlivening dietary self discipline, we can provide our bodies with the chemicals they need to effectively neutralize dangerous acids, and in doing so, attempt to eliminate health problems.

Other Recommendations for Losing Weight and Improving Your Health:

Insure that you have adequate quantities of minerals in your blood stream and bodies cells:

Minerals are crucial for the burning of the foods we eat, the calories of which, when not burned off properly, will often be stored in our fat cells, causing us not look (or feel) our best. Drinking the juice of leafy green vegetables helps to replenish our supplies of crucial minerals, so we can properly burn off calories, regenerate our skin and other body tissues, and look (and feel) our best.

Since many people find it difficult to drink the juice of leafy green vegetables by itself, some people find it helpful and palatable to mix the green juice with one or more of the following juices:

Fresh tomato juice,

Fresh apple juice,


Fresh carrot juice.

(Fresh ginger juice also helps to improve the taste of the other vegetable juices, and has the added benefit of soothing and strengthening the stomach, so it is easier to hold down the sometimes-shocking "dirt-like" taste of the juices of green-leafy vegetables.)

To learn more about the power of eating the right vegetables, you might want to read the book:

"The Sunfood Diet Success System"

by: David Wolfe

This book describes the original, healthiest diet of mankind, which consists of just three basic food groups: fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats (such as nuts, seeds, and their oils). It teaches readers how to balance their consumption of those 3 basic, healthy food groups, so that you don't get sick, don't gain weight, can maintain adequate energy levels, and overall, just feel your very best. It is also full of inspirational poems and enlightening anecdotes, and is probably the best book I've ever read on designing, and following a healthy, daily, natural diet:

Consume Only Healthy Fats and Oils:

Knowing the difference between good fats and oils, and bad fats and oils is essential for improving and maintaining our health. For example, when many fats are subjected to high heat, their beneficial nutrients break apart, negating their health benefits, and in some cases, creating what are known as "free radicals", which are dangerous electron deprived food molecules, (which when ingested into the body, float through the blood-stream 'stealing' electrons from healthy cells, leading to their premature death).

To counteract this health sapping activity, one can do the following:

Increase your consumption of healthy fats and oils.

Healthy fats and oils generally contain beneficial ratios of essential fatty acids (E.F.A.'s), commonly referred to by the monikers: omega 3, omega 6, and omega 9.

Omega 9 essential fatty acids are generally preservative to ones health, and are found in abundance in oils such as Olive Oil,

Omega 6 essential fatty acids are generally restorative to ones health, and are found in long term beneficial ratios in oils such as Hempseed Oil,


Omega 3 essential fatty acids are powerfully effective oils used for short to medium-term radical-healing purposes by ingesting oils such as Flaxseed Oil.

Other oils known to contain concentrated amounts of powerfully effective, and potentially healing essential fatty acids are:

Borage Seed Oil,


Black Currant Seed Oil.

Decrease Your Consumption of Unhealthy Fats and Oils, such as:

Hydrogenated vegetable oils,


Partially Hydrogenated vegetables oils (and especially avoid cooking with such molecularly disfigured oils),

And instead cook with canola oil, or best of all for healthy cooking: grapeseed oil.

Grapeseed Oil has no real taste but is superior for cooking because of its highest of all common foodoils "smoke point", which is the temperature at which it begins to burn, destroying it healthy components down into what are called "free radicals", which are atomic molecules lacking an electron, allowing that molecule to destructively attach to a perfect molecule, slowly destroying ones bodies cellular health and strength.

If you would like to learn more about these various good and bad fats and oils, feel free to consult the following book:

"Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill"

by: Udo Erasmus

To add flavor back to foods cooked in tasteless (but supremely healthy) grapeseed oil, you can sprinkle your dishes with lemon or lime juice, and spices such as cinnamon, ginger, black pepper, and/or powdered cloves. In addition to tasting great, powdered cloves also have the added health benefit of balancing ones blood pressure, and helping to neutralize tooth ache pain when applied to the gums.  It also has anti-microbial effects.

There are other herbs, roots, plants (and their synthetic analogues) that can be used as additional aids to help increase your metabolism, and replenish your bodies glands, which will potentiate the metabolic (fat burning) process. One strategy that some bodybuilders have utilized (and which I have to admit is somewhat risky), is to ingest of a combination of:

50 - 100 mg of caffeine,


50 - 100 mg of aspirin,

Once or twice a day, on an empty stomach, at least one half hour before breakfast and lunch for the average, to athletic person,


2 to 3 times per day, per the same instructions, for the athletic to very athletic person.

(Some radical experimentationalists used to add "ephedrine" to the mix, but some users began to experience heart attacks and other serious side effects, so that strategy has largely been abandoned by most bodybuilders. If you experience any of the following side effects: anxiety, an accelerated pulse, chest pain, or excessive sweating, decrease the dosages until the symptoms subside.

If the symptoms continue even after repeated dosage decreases, stop taking those two substances completely. If your symptoms still continue after you have stopped taking one, or both of those two substances for at least 5 hours, try some deep, slow, breathing exercises for 5 to 7 minutes. If that doesn't work to eliminate your symptoms, please call a doctor.)

On the Dangers of Caffeine:

Caffeine is a potent toxin that provokes a release of “adrenaline” from ones adrenal glands, which are located on top of ones kidneys.

Adrenaline is the hormone responsible for the “fight or flight” response in our bodies, which was historically provoked when one was threatened by a predator or other imminent, bodily harm, so that one would have the strength and energy to effectively, physically respond to the threat, either by evading it, or by resisting it.

(Personally I advise that people should evade threats, but in contemporary American culture, resisting threats appears to be quite popular, yet in my opinion, ill advised).

Since I don’t consume alcohol, I have learned to avoid places where alcohol is consumed, as I have noticed that I often experience those same type of "fight or flight" responses as a result of the sociopathic misconduct of others, despite not having consumed any caffeine.

So I have more recently begun to loiter around coffee shops, in the hope that such a “sober” crowd would provide more tolerable or enjoyable company, yet due to the agitating effects of caffeine, I have noticed that even in such “safe” environments there exists a level of baseless hostility and aggression that I initially thought existed only in my fevered imagination, yet have more recently begun to recognize as symptomatic of maddening caffeine intoxication.

As a result of those observations, and of my own experiences of anxiety while being under the influence of excessive caffeine intoxication, I have found from experience that alternative stimulants that almost chemically identical to caffeine such as “Mateine” (which is derived from a Peruvian plant, apparently similar in some way to tea or coffee) seem to offer an energy rush similar that formerly very popular stimulant, but with much less agitation and resultant baseless, potentially socially dangerous, hostility.

Determining the Causes of Pain, and Some Possible Methods of Alleviation:

I am not a doctor, but from study and experience I have observed that pain is often caused by one, or more of the following bodily dysfunctions:

Nerve Impairment, from either:

Muscle Spasm or "cramp" (which can constrict a nerve or nerves, sending pain signals to ones brain),


Nerve Damage, which is difficult to treat and repair.

Joint Inflammation:

Often resulting from deterioration as a result of overuse or infection.

Bone Fracture(s):

Which often require significant rest, and radical, health-improving changes in ones dietary intake in order to heal correctly.

Fluid Accumulation:

As a result of mineral deficiencies caused by unhealthy eating habits.

Cell Suffocation:

Due to the same, or to fungal, bacterial, or viral infection.

Alleviating the root causes of pain can be very complex and time consuming, so in order to provide temporary relief while one is attempting to identify and heal those root causes, one can attempt to:

Mute Pain with Amino (and Essential) Fatty Acids:

Most synthetic, pain relieving medications cause serious negative side effects. For example, prescription narcotic painkillers are highly addictive, and most over the counter (nonprescription) painkillers are harmful to ones liver and kidneys. A better alternative is sometimes the ingestion of:

1,000 to 1,500 mg of the amino acid "D,L Phenylalanine ('D.L.P.A.')", 2 to 3 times per day (at least one hour before, or three hours after, meals) because ingesting that protein building block appears to inhibit the breakdown of enkephalins (a type of endorphin) which interfere with the transmission of pain signals through nerves in the body:

And/or the ingestion of Gamma Linolenic Acid ("G.L.A."), which suppresses inflammation responses in the body, and the increased pressure caused by the typical inflammation response to musculoskeletal injury is one of the most frequent causes of pain):

And as usual the consumption of large quantities of nonchlorinated (non tap) bottled (or purified water) with distilled water being the best choice for those determine to maintain (or improve) their health.

Other Strategies to Alleviate Pain:

Resolving the underlying imbalance that causes pain in ones body is crucial for long-term contentment.  If the imbalance is minerological, then one must upgrade ones dietary food consumption to follow the recommendations listed further up this page.

If the imbalance is hydraulic (as is the case when inflammation is the cause of the pain) then one can also eat fresh pineapple (or put slices of it through a juicer and drink the resultant juice), because:

Fresh pineapple contains a dissolutive enzyme called "Bromelain", which appears to have an ability to disperse the coagulations of undesirable organic molecules in the hueman body which are frequently the cause of the inflammation which causes pain.

(But as stated previously, it is crucial to improve ones diet and/or reduce ones physical activity level until the underlying physical damage that is likely causing the inflammation in ones body is repaired, or the pain may simply return.)

Pain and Depression Often Exist Symbiotically:

People suffering from chronic pain often become easily depressed, and people who are depressed often experience radically decreased tolerance thresh holds for pain. Some times one of those two symptoms can metamorphose in to the other (and vice versa) so that ones symptoms may seem to transmogrify and oscillate between those two illnesses; or both of those maladies can exist simultaneously. Many psychiatrists attempt to alleviate the underlying, causal neurotransmitter deficiencies through the administration of prescription antidepressants, but as I elucidated in the article dated May 15, 2016 on the "Home" page of this web site, there have been a number of problems encountered while attempting to alleviate patients suffering through that approach, and so as a result, many people have decided to investigate the matter for them selves, such as by reading books and articles (such as these below), the first of which is a well known publication on the topic of ingesting natural, over the counter (O.T.C.) substances to (according to the subtitle):

"Rid Your Self of Stress, Low Moods, and Depression"

It's titled:

"The Way Up From Down"

by: Priscilla Slagle

Overcoming Alcoholism, Diabetes, and Mental Illness with Natural, Over The Counter Remedies:

In ones youth, over consumption of alcohol can often be tolerated by those healthy individuals who are able to secrete adequate levels of the enzymes necessary to digest the alcohol properly. However, as one ages, (or for certain subsets of the human population who lack the ability to secrete the necessary enzymes to digest alcohol properly), ones inability to digest alcohol can prove to be a health deteriorating, (and some times deadly) condition. So, it is best to refrain from consuming alcohol at all.

However, if one feels compelled to ingest it, there are a few strategies you can utilize to help your body digest the alcohol properly, and avoid detrimental alcohol related effects such as: weight gain, diabetes, depression, and worse. First, it makes sense for many reasons to refrain from consuming beer or distilled spirits, and instead ingest wine. If you want to adhere to the healthiest option, red wine is the best.

The reason why I would avoid drinking beer is because it contains "maltose", a rapidly absorbed simple sugar that not only provides a perversely potent source of food for yeast, bacteria, fungi, and other dangerous micro-organisms that can invade, colonize, and destroy a human body, but is also responsible for rapid rises in blood sugar, which over stress ones pancreas gland.

If this is done repeatedly, it will eventually exhaust it to the point of malfunctioning, where it will no longer be able to secrete insulin effectively, a condition known as "diabetes".  The dangerous simple sugar in beer known as "maltose" is one of the main contributors to that disabling (and sometimes deadly) condition, and thus the ingestion of beer should be avoided.

If you'd like to learn more about the dangers of refined sugar, and other unhealthy refined carbohydrates, such as:

Refined ("white") Flour,

Refined Pasta,

Corn Syrup,


Sugared Sodas,

And how you can more easily eliminate them from your diet, so that you can lose weight, stay lean, avoid diabetes and mood swings, and maintain adequate energy levels all throughout your day, you may want to consult the following book:

"Sugar Busters: Cut Sugar to Burn Fat"

by: H. Leighton Steward

If one can not seem to avoid ingesting alcohol, then red wine is the healthiest alternative, as it contains relatively low percentage amounts of alcohol as compared to the amount of water in it, so dehydration, and the cell death generally accompanying it, is less likely. Distilled spirits (such as "hard liquor"s) are less healthy, but are a better alternative than beer, provided that they are clear, and low "proof" (percentage of alcohol content). Amber to brown colored hard liquors contain pancreas destroying, diabetes causing simple sugars, and can cause all of the health problems mentioned above.

Clear hard liquors are healthier than brown or amber colored hard liquors, and the safest way to consume them (if at all) is to dilute them with appropriate alcohol side effect negating juices, such as apple juice, carrot juice, kale juice, tomato juice, spinach juice, and others. However, of all of the less-than-ideal beverage choice alternatives, red wine remains the "best", due to its' high levels of disease fighting antioxidants, derived from the grape skins, which give red wine it's color. But, if one really wants to improve (or optimize) ones health, then refraining from consuming any alcohol at all is the best approach to follow.

If you do find yourself addicted to alcohol, feel as if you are unable to cease consuming it, there are a number of alternative, legal, "Over The Counter" (O.T.C.) neutraceuticals that may be able to help you:

"Gamma Amino Butyric Acid" (G.A.B.A): is an over the counter relaxant, often inducing the same feelings that alcohol ingestion induces, but without the harmful side effects. It is generally regarded as helpful and useful for helping one to quit consuming alcohol:

"Kava Root": is the best, most potent natural herbal relaxant I am aware of, and has been used safely, and effectively by Polynesian tribes for many centuries for their communal, socialization gatherings to induce powerfully intoxicating feelings of calmness and euphoria. It is available in both capsule and concentrated liquid forms:

"Valerian Root": is a powerful, natural, herbal relaxant used by the ancient Romans. Its name is derived from the Latin word for "strong", because it's smell can be, but so are it's effects. In fact, it's antianxiety effects are so powerful it's chemical structure served as the template for the synthesization of the molecule comprising the prescription anti anxiety medication known as "Valium".

(Because it is such an effective substitute for often addictive, prescription anti anxiety medications, many people ignore it's slightly unpleasant smell, and ingest it to great benefit, particularly as a very, very effective sleep aid without any noticeable side effects, such as those found during the use of many prescription sleep aid medications):

"Tyrosine": is an excellent, legal, safe, amino acid used to increase ones levels of the energy raising neurotransmitters "epinephrine" (adrenaline), and "norepinephrine" (noradrenaline), (levels of which are generally believed in main stream medicine circles to be able to be raised through the ingestion of presription anti depressants such as "Wellbutrin":

"Tryptophan": the best (and milligram for milligram probably the most effective) amino acid relaxant, believed by many to increase ingestors brain levels of "serotonin", which is the primary brain neurotransmitter levels of which are believed to be raised by the ingestion of prescription anti depressants such as "Prozac", "Paxil", "Zoloft", "Lexapro", "Celexa", and others:

Also, the ingestion of alcohol depletes ones' blood plasma levels of B vitamins, leading to:

Tremors (also known as: "the shakes"),

Muscle Weakness,





So replenishing ones supplies of B vitamins is crucial if one is older, does not tolerate alcohol well, or is sick. The best way to replenish ones supplies of B vitamins is to ingest the juices of green, leafy vegetables, such as:




Collard Greens,


Barley Grass,


Wheat Grass.

What is "Wheat Grass" Juice, and How Can it Benefit Your Health?:

"Wheat grass" are the blades of grass sprouting from wheat plant seeds.  When cut, bunched up, and put through a specialized juicing machine, the resulting green liquid that pours out is then ingested, and is reputed to be able to bind to chemical toxins, such as man made chemicals (and toxic heavy metals such a mercury, arsenic, and lead), that may be present in the human bloodstream, and carry them safely out of the body, to be excreted in the urine.

I have also noticed that when drinking wheat grass juice I both: have more energy, and seem to crave dangerous man made, refined sugars less.  I have also read that healthcare professionals at the "Hippocrates Institute" in Boston, Massachusetts are using wheat grass juice, combined with flax seed oil, as a reputedly quiteeffective treatment for cancer.

If you'd like to learn more about the uses and health benefits of drinking wheat grass juice, feel free to consult:

"The Wheat Grass Book: How to Grow and Use Wheat Grass to Maximize Your Health and Vitality"

by: Ann Wigmore

If you find that you do not like the taste of those juices, or for whatever reason can not drink the juices (or eat the leaves) of such vegetables or grasses, yet you need to recover from the over consumption of alcohol or other health maladies, then ingesting the following B vitamins is very helpful:

1 "B 100 complex" capsule if you are emaciated, sick, or close to death,

2 capsules if you are a small vitally healthy person or an average sized, normal person,


3 capsules if you are a small person eating an unhealthy diet, an average sized person eating a very unhealthy diet, or a large person eating a "normal" deadly "S.A.D." (Standard American Diet):

Many people dedicated to improving their health or recovering from illness also find it helpful to ingest additional quantities of the following special B vitamins:

B 5: which is reputedly the best anti stress B vitamin known.

B 6: which is known to help stabilize nerves and their electrical transmissions.


B12: which is reputed to increase ones energy (particularly helpful in cases in which one is "hung over" from excessive alcohol consumption).

(Much of the preceding information was gleaned from the "Alcoholism" and "Neuropathy" chapters in the book):

"Prescription For Nutritional Healing"

by: Balch and Balch

I consider this book to be an indispensible addition to ones personal library of texts aimed at self treating health problems, because it is full of information about a huge number of major (and minor) illnesses, explains how they are caused, what vitamins, minerals, herbs, and supplements one can ingest in order to help oneself overcome those illnesses, and describes in detail the lifestyle changes one can adopt in order to help oneself heal from such life threatening and debilitating conditions.

(Quite possibly the single best health book investment purchase I ever made.)

The Dangers of Salt, and Better Ways to Season Food:

While naturally occurring sea salt reputedly contains over 90 minerals, refined salt contained in most foods, and in most salt shakers, contains only 2 or 3 minerals:

Sodium (Na),

Chloride (Cl),

and often:

Iodine, which has to be added to the un-natural Sodium/Chloride to prevent an iodine deficiency induced disease known as "gout".

Simple sodium/chloride, or what is more commonly called "table salt", whether with or without iodine, causes a number of very serious biochemical problems in the human body, most commonly:

Dehydration: when Sodium/Chloride molecules separate inside the human body, the suddenly too-high levels of sodium have to be diluted with water (which is rapidly excreted in the urine), causing dehydration,


Potassium Depletion: caused by the action of dangerously solitary chlorine atoms being bound in the body to Potassium atoms in order to more rapidly excrete them from the body.

Once ones potassium levels are depleted, ones brain and nervous system can not properly transmit electrical impulses, and one begins to experience fatigue, muscle weakness, and exhaustion, which is why potassium in included in the formulas of "sports recovery" drinks such as "Gatorade", "Powerade", and the like.

However, the problem with "Gatorade" and other such drinks is that they contain refined (white) sugar, which can cause diabetes as a result of it's perverse ability to stimulate sudden massive over secretions of insulin into ones bloodstream, and is also food for the oral bacteria that excrete the acid waste that is corrosive to our teeth.

Better alternatives to consuming refined table salt is to substitute sea salt (which, although is better substitute, is not nearly as healthy or as tasty as multiple herb containing seasonings, such as "Mrs. Dash", the 15 different formulas of which can be viewed by clicking on the following link:


If you are unfortunate enough to have knowingly, or unknowingly ingested table salt, the best remedy I've found for restoring my feelings of well being is to drink a lot of purified or distilled water with lemon juice added.

Since lemon juice contains citric acid, it will helps replenish your bodies electrolytes, which are the biochemicals that conduct electrical impulses in your brain, nervous system, and muscles.

You can also eat some bananas, which contain high levels of organic Potassium, another element crucial towards the creation of necessary supplemental electrolytes in the bodies of people who have consumed refined sodium/chloride, more popularly known as "table salt".

Healing Back Pain:

Many people who suffer from lower back pain are told that they have "ruptured a disk", and that may very well be the case.  However, where many people are led astray is when they believe that being operated upon by a neurosurgeon will take the pain away. Although back surgery has come a long way with the advent of microsurgery, which requires less violation into the body and thus, requiring less healing time, the fact is that cutting open a human body in order to "fix" something is almost always ill advised.

A better alternative when it comes to alleviating back pain is to first recognize that many cases of lower back pain are in fact due to a cramping of the "piriformis" muscle, through which the sciatic nerve (which travels from the lower spinal cord, across the buttocks, and all the way down ones leg and across ones foot) pass through.

When that muscle seizes up it squeezes so hard that muscle and nerve pain results.

One way to attempt to alleviate back pain is to utilize your mind to actually shut off the pain signals, to give yourself a psychophysiological break from suffering. However, suppressing physical symptoms such as back pain can sometimes cause the chaotic energy stored in ones self to metamorphose into psychiatric symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and sometimes worse.

I have always found that lying down on the floor and stretching all of my lower back, hip, buttock, and "ham string" muscles was effective at eliminating back pain for most of my day.  Strengthening ones abdominal (stomach) muscles is also a good way to alleviate back pain, as performing "crunches" (partial sit ups in which one only raises ones torso until approximately the lower two thirds of ones spine slightly curvilinearly raises up off of a horizontal surface into an inverted arch shape) trains those stomach muscles to effective pull the top of ones hip bone forward, alleviating pressure on the rear facing joints between each of ones spinal vertebrae.

In addition one can also utilize the application of ice packs to the affected area to mute the pain signals being transmitted by ones nerves, or heat in various forms (such as heating pads and hot tubs) to cause the cramped muscles to unlock, restoring blood flow, muscle elasticity, and thus ending at least a portion of ones bodily pain.

One book I read that enlightened me as to the benefits of utilizing only my mind to shut off the transmission of pain signals through my bodies nerves, and which may be of interest to you, is titled:

"Healing Back Pain"

by: Doctor John E. Sarno, M.D.

Dr. Sarno is Professor of Clinical Rehabilitation Medicine at the New York University School of Medicine, and attending physician at the Howard A. Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine at the New York University Medical Center

Doctor Sarno wrote another book titled: "The Mindbody Prescription", in which he reveals that many other painful conditions, including most neck pain, migraines, repetitive stress injuries, whiplashes, and tendonitises are rooted in repressed emotions, and shows how they can be successfully treated without drugs, physical interventions, or surgery:

Slowing (and Possibly Reversing) Male Pattern Baldness:

Some men have had some success by:

Avoiding manmade, synthetic, chemical, pharmaceutical medications such as "Propecia" (which is reported to have serious (and potentially very disturbing and humiliating) side effects, and consume only natural, medicinal herbs, roots, and plant vegetables reputed to have hair-regrowing properties, such as:

"Fo-Ti": A Chinese root, also known as "Ho Shoo Wu".  Reported to not only be able to help regrow hair, but also to increase one's energy levels without the crash (and jitters) associated with caffeine:

Pumpkin Seed Oil: contains chemicals believed to interfere with the production of di hydro testosterone (D.H.T.: a mutated isomer of the male hormone testosterone) and which is believed by many to be the main cause of male pattern baldness through its action of binding to receptors in scalp hair follicles, causing them to wither and atrophy, resulting in hair loss:

"Saw Palmetto Berry Extract": is reputedly the best retardant of the conversion process of testosterone into D.H.T.  Ingesting 320 mg of that extract in gelcap form once a day for the average weight man (and twice a day for the first 30 to 45 days for a heavier man) is generally recommended.

Adhering to a regimen of ingesting only the juices of green leafy vegetables, such as: spinach, kale, parsley, collard greens, wheat grass and barley grass,


Drinking a lot of pure, clean water, abstaining from alcohol (and other toxins), adhering to a diet of only fruit and vegetable juices for as long as you can, and being sure to include healthy (Omega 3 and 6 Essential Fatty Acid containing) oils (such as those produced by the cold pressing of Flax seeds, Hemp seeds and other healthy seeds, in to your diet.

If you'd like to read more about reversing male pattern baldness without the use of prescription medications or synthetic preparations, you may want to consult the following book titled:

"Hair Loss Prevention Through Natural Remedies"

by: Peters, Stuss and Waddell

When I first started studying the principles of healthy eating, one of the first books I read was the classic best seller written by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond, titled:

"Fit For Life"

If you would like to request my assistance in your efforts to accomplish your health, fitness, or appearance improvement goals, feel free to contact me any time for a personal, one on one consultation (on a sliding scale fee basis: so you only pay what you can afford) and I'll be happy to work with you.

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