Peace is the feeling of Harmony (which is the product of Unity) both within ourselves
In Spirit with everyone that resides, socializes or conducts business in, our vicinity.
(In order to: Cultivate That Harmony) we should attempt to balance:
Material needs
Spiritual needs
while also effectively equating:
Our wants and needs
The wants (and the needs) of other People.
(The following diagram illustrates the concept):
Yet, despite the apparent simplicity of the method, our nations federal government has been at war with other nations situated up on the land surface of this planet for much of the last seventy-five years, and those wars are symptomatic of a nation that is not in balance with other nations, in part due to apparent disagreements over the harvesting, refinement, storage, transportation, ownership, transfer, and combustion of what are more frequently referred to as "fossil fuels" (specifically oil, coal, and methane {more commonly referred to as: "natural gas"}).
In order to begin to transition our nations energy production infrastructure from reliance up on such pollution creating hydrocarbon based fuels in to an alternative infrastructure that utilizes subtler methods to produce energy, it might be help full for us to first understand the mechanics of our traditionally relied up on methodology:
First, when hydrocarbon based fuels are burnt, energy is released in the form of heat, which when transferred to air molecules contained with in spaces created by the presence of metal pistons (or rotors) fitted in side of cylindrical (or elliptical) spaces with in motor blocks causes those air molecules to be come agitated (and expand) pushing such pistons linearly (or rotors: rotationally) generating force which is then either:
Transferred through a series of gears to the wheels of motorized vehicles (to power them forwards or backwards)
Applied to spinning an axle wrapped in a coil of copper wire rotationally (in side of a magnet lined cylinder) to produce electricity.
Unfortunately, when such hydrocarbon based fuels are burnt, a waste gas known as "carbon monoxide" is created, which when released into our planets atmosphere causes destructive effects to our planets radiationally protective ozone layer, making the continued burning of such traditionally utilized fuels for our nations energy needs unwise (at best).
How ever, the voracious appetite that many industrialized nations (such as our own) exhibit for collecting (and consuming) such primitive fuels appears to be a contributing factor in the recurrence of many of the repeated wars on this planet, yet paradoxically fighting those wars requires the combustion (and thus: consumption) of huge quantities of those very same fuels that our nations federal government appears to be fighting to acquire, leading some people to conclude that our nations political, economic, and military apparatii appear to be trapped in (what will likely {and ultimately} prove to be) a destructive and catastrophic vicious cycle.
So, if we as a species are to progress (rather than regress back into the repeated cycles of war for {what some believe to be is the affordable acquisition of those aforementioned hydrocarbon based fuels}) then we might be wise to attempt to convince everyone who is currently fighting to instead redirect all of their time, energy, money, and resources into the development of an effective, contemporary corporate and technological infrastructure dedicated to creating electricity through alternative methods.
The three methods most frequently conceived of when discussing the production of electricity through such "green" alternative methods are the transmutation of:
The vibrations emanated by our suns photons, as they travel in rays towards our planet,
The pressure created through the rising of our oceans surface level, as the tide periodically rises,
The force created by intelligently engineered resistance to the movement of our planets atmospheric currents.
One approach that might prove to be economically feasible for the production of electricity is to build a tidal energy transmutation machine. Here is a preliminary graphical rendering of such a device (with brief descriptions of how some of its components would function):

Once constructed, small diameter P.V.C. plastic cylinders containing buoys can be: attached to the: in sides of the vertical support beams of: any of our: nations (or: planets):
- docks,
- off shore oil drilling platforms...
providing (relatively: affordable {pollution free}) electricity on site.
Much larger diameter P.V.C. (or: steel) cylinders containing buoys can be: anchored in side (and: under neath) of: such: off shore structures, in an: attempt to: harness (and: transmutate) the force generated when the buoys rise vertically with our oceans sea surface levels (as our planets ocean{s} water approaches the: shoreline).
(Specifically: when the: buoys in side of such: P.V.C. cylinders rise, they will pull: nylon {plastic} cables threaded through a series of: plastic pulleys, to turn an: axle connected to: a: series of: plastic {or: offshore metal} gears {of progressively descending diameter[s]} to: quickly spin a: dynamo {producing: electricity}).
I am of the: opinion that: such an approach to transmutating the: vertical force generated on to a: buoy by the ascension of our oceans water surface levels is: likely to: prove to: be more economical than other ({often} much more: complex) devices (a: number of: which are: currently being tested while floating off shore) for the following two reasons:
First, one of the: "most promising" off shore floating devices that I saw on the internet appeared to be attempting to simultaneously generate electricity from the movement of water masses along all: three of our: dimensions axes... all at the same time (the: vertical, horizontal, and oscillational).
How ever, I am of the: firm opinion that: such an approach is unnecessarily complex, and be cause such: fantastic devices are much more difficult to engineer, they are all so (very: likely) to: be much more difficult to produce (and: bring to: market) in a timely (or: cost effective) way.
Second, fixed mounting on (or: under): anchored off shore platforms will: likely present fewer electrical wiring challenges}). Since all wires deployed in (or: near) salt water will have to be heavily insulated to prevent corrosion, the less length of wire required... the better.
If you (or: any of your: corporations {designated} representatives) would like to: work with me to discuss the possibility of: more thoroughly engineering, manufacturing, marketing, and: selling devices {such as: those: previously presented) then: feel free to (either):
Utilize knowledge of marine engineering to determine where potentially effective buoy materials could be placed up on the following diagram, taking in to consideration their possession of each of the following three characteristics:

If you send your estimation of how a particular buoy material would rate in those three aspects of performance criteria, I will place a symbol representing that particular material upon that diagram and republish the diagram periodically, along with a key illustrating which symbol corresponds to which particular material.
Or, if you would (merely) like to correspond with me about this project, feel free to click on to the "More" tab of this web sites main menu, where you will see a blank form through which you can transmit to me a message (so we can see if ({and}/or how) we may be able to work together for our mutual contentment.
By doing so, we may be able to both:
Protect our natural environment
Help to: reduce some of the (reputed) motivation for fighting some of the wars that have been repeatedly fought (in oil {and: methane} rich regions of our planet {such as the "middle east"}) for at least the last decade.
While studying Civil Engineering at a state University (in New England) I arrived at the realization that: while we here (in the United States of America) do need bridges, roads, buildings and dams, we all so need new perspectives that we can refer to before embarking up on the process of creating: expressive (or inspirational) products that others can enjoy, so that they can do so with the confidence of knowing that if they (or their children) are ever influenced (even subconsciously) by the inferred assumptions glorified through the art (or other creative media) we bring in to fruition, that their (resultant) states of mind will be socially constructive (and uplifting) rather than antisocial (or destructive).
Because, every word that we speak, and every action that we engage in sets an example for others who may be easily influenced by what they see (or hear) us do (or say). By holding ourselves to a higher standard, we can present an example to others that they (and their children) can follow with confidence... hopefully contributing (even in some small way) towards a trend of societal upliftment that may (one day) result in the creation of a better world.
If such efforts are exerted long enough (and faithfully enough) they may help to spark (or perpetuate) a positive chain reaction that may just (some day in the future) result in peace, harmony and co-operation, not merely betwe'en those of us who happen to reside in the same geographic locale, but possibly (even) be twe'en some of the (long estranged) peoples (and nations) residing up on our planet?
Because, along with the awareness that we Americans are fortunate enough just to have (even) been born in to a civilization so wealthy (and so full of opportunity) all so comes the responsibility for us to present a good, positive, peacefull, constructive, productive, helpfull and inspiring example for others to follow (because {whether we are a'ware of it [or: not]} there are millions of people who may want to emulate us {or who may be emulating us with out us [even] being consciously a'ware of the fact that they are doing so} and so it is only right (and moral) for us to do our: very best (at all times) for us to be a'ware of how we may be influencing others (and to try to only do {and say} those things which are: uplifting {and helpfull} at all times).
Yet (for far too long) too many of us have been too ready to accept the idea of world "peace" forced by our nations military might, which only appears to be leading us all into a "new world (dis)order" infected with deep-seated feelings of resentment (and hatred). If not identified, unearthed and resolved, those deep seated destructive feelings may (once again) transform (and manifest) as further acts of (future) terrorist violence perpetrated against people here in the United States of America, such as the violent crime perpetrated through the bombing at the Boston Marathon (just a little over two years ago) which you can learn about (for your self) by clicking on those (previous) words (in green).
Such violence could be perpetrated by individuals (such as we have seen in the repeated mass shootings at {too many of} our nations schools, colleges, Universities, movie theaters and shopping malls {in recent years} or by groups of people {such as the catastrophic violence that we have seen perpetrated during all of the repeated wars that our nations military has been fighting against other nations [for at least the last seventy five years]}).
Rather than continuing to fight against other people (and nations) that we just can not seem to "see eye to eye with", per: haps we should (in stead) be seeking to (attempt to) promote the type of peace that is the product of shared attitudes of: tolerance, respect, nonviolence, and co-operation be twe'en ourselves, and the peoples (and nations) that we disagree with... irregardless of who: "started it"?
Per: haps by doing so, we might be able to set a good example for others in our respective civilizations, and at the same time (may be even) set an example for those people that we (too often) childishly perceive to be our "leaders"?
Because (the truth is) that: real peace will never come at the point of a sword (or through the barrel of a gun) but only through the (often difficult) process of neutralizing our own negative feelings of anger, hatred and resentment and (ideally) transmuting them in to constructive, productive and creative endeavors. In order to establish such types of real peace, it will (probably) first be necessary to instill more appropriately caring (and huemane) attitudes (and beliefs) in to the hearts (and minds) of some of the (more than) three hundred million people who are currently residing with us here (with in the borders of authority of our {United States of American} nations federal government).
Per: haps by (even) merely attempting to do so, we might all so be able to more: positively influence other people in their respective civilizations, nations and neighborhoods to attempt to do the same thing (in the hopes that: by: promoting peace {and the desire to make peace} we may be able to: initiate {or to: help to: perpetuate} a {mutually [or <even> universally]} beneficial chain reaction)?
One possible way to do that is to (attempt to) utilize the power of music, music videos, motion pictures, television programs, internet animation and video games to convey to their: listeners (viewers {and players}) the value (and desirability) of peace, non-violence and co-operation (rather than in continuing to {idly} observe {while products conveying the diametrically oppositional "values" are [perversely] produced [and sold]}).
The reason why I have been suggesting such an approach is be cause: contemporary forms of (digital) mass media entertainment are unique in many ways, in that their inferred messages often have the ability to bypass their listeners, viewers or players conscious, rational minds (and implant ideas {and attitudes} directly in to their emotional {subconscious} minds {a process [generally] considered to be as effective as hypnosis when it comes to attempting to reshape the attitudes [and underlying motivations] of [impressionable] individuals}).
For example, have you ever noticed that adults (and children {a like}) will (some times) find themselves (spontaneously) humming the chords from (or singing a long to the words of) their favorite songs years (and some times {even} decades after hearing them for the first time)?
That phenomenon can be attributed to the infectious power of music (and other forms of creative multimedia) and the fact is that there are tens of millions of young men in our nations (and neighborhoods) who have no visible, stable, nonviolent male role model in their lives and that void has (for too long) been filled by the sociopathic ideas (and attitudes) that have been provided for them by (contemporary) digital entertainment products (such as music, music videos, television programs, motion pictures, internet animation and video games {too many [of which] portray sociopathic attitudes as something "good" [or "cool"] to be adopted [and projected] at our world [and the seven billion <mostly: innocent> people in it]}).
But what is cool (or: "good" {or: desirable [or: "noble"]}) about killing someone elses son (or daughter)?
But it appears that it has been happening with greater (and greater) frequency in public places (here in {these United States of} America) and no one appears to have been doing much of any thing to put a stop to it (be sides trying to legislate solutions).
Intelligently crafted legislation can help, but solutions can't merely come from the top down, they must all so (simultaneously) come from all of us in the way that we choose to: perceive (and treat) one an other in our daily lives (and in the entertainment products that we choose to produce, watch, play and listen to).
For those reasons I believe that those of us who possess any sort of creative, technical or promotional skills (and talents) should try to utilize whatever abilities we may possess to produce (and promote) only multimedia creations that will spread ideas of peace, nonviolence, tolerance, respect, concern and co-operation among all of the potential listeners, viewers or players who may happen to be listening to, watching or playing those (various) creations (during their {seemingly neverending quests} to be entertained).
Imagine... if: rather than: allowing people to: abuse the power of music, music videos, television programs, motion pictures and video games to spread (destructively) antisocial ideas, we could (in stead) deploy that power of those forms of (hypnotically alluring) multimedia to promote life affirming values in stead (such as peace, love, unity, respect and mutual co-operation {among all the peoples [and nations] of the earth})?
If we invested (even) half of all the time, energy and money that we spend on fighting with one other (in stead) in to efforts to help (and uplift) our planets (and {hueman races}) suffering people(s), we could (probably) transform this planet (and it's inhabitants lives) in to (paradisaical) harmony with (merely) a few generations.
If you see any value in that idea, then (per: haps) we could work together (in some way) to create new types of multimedia entertainment (such as video games in which players are rewarded for doing nice, socially uplifting things {and music [and music videos] which convey [and glorify] the ideas of peace, unity, tolerance and respect}) rather than continuing to sit idly by (as too many of our planets people are brainwashed by music, music videos, motion pictures, television programs {and video "games"} that influence their listeners {and players} to see their: fellow hueman beings as enemies {and potential targets} rather than as potential friends {and future co-workers})?
Wouldn't that be: Great?
I think so.
If you (or any one that you know) would like to help to: create music, music videos, video games, television programs and/or: motion pictures that will teach (and glamourize) the right values (rather than the wrong values) feel free to click on to the "More" tab (in the horizontal array of blue {and yellow} menu tabs {at the top of each page}) to send me a message (so that we can see if we {or: the: people that you <or I> may know} can work together in some way).
An other possible approach to solving some of our nations problems is to formulate strategies that can be implemented to help decrease levels of economic disempowerment.
Since money in a nations economy can be metaphorically compared to the blood which circulates throughout a human body, it only stands to reason that when a disproportionate percentage of a nations money coagulates into a few extremities (or bank accounts) of that nations population, the other members of the national body that cannot retain, or obtain access to any of the money of that nation will economically suffocate, and die.
That is what appears to have been increasingly happening in the United States of America over the past fifty or sixty years, as record high percentages of our nations people are not able to access even the tiniest quantities of our nations currency, and thus they are often prevented from participating in our nations economic life in even the smallest of ways.
As a result they are not able to exercise their right to Liberty that was so alluringly promised to us all in our nations Declaration of Independence, because tens of millions of us are being denied even the opportunity to attempt to build any kind of economic independence for ourselves, and thus we have been effectively disenfranchised from our nations freedoms, which were guaranteed to us in our nations Constitution.
Since wealth is a form of power, the systematic denial of access to wealth that has been engineered by many within our nations political, business, academic and religious establishments represent an attempt to deny us quantities of power necessary to exercise our Constitutionally guaranteed liberties, and as such, it may as well be as if we poor people are being denied the very right to vote itself, and so I am of the opinion that federal governmental intervention is necessary to insure that those of us who have been marginalized into the powerless end of the socioeconomic spectrum in this supposed "land of the free" are provided at least access to affordable housing, particularly when you reflect upon the fact that many hundreds of residential housing units sit empty in this nation.
That is merely one symptom of the highly disproportionate accumulation of wealth that has been largely concentrated under the control of merely a few hundred thousand individuals in this nation, and as such I believe that such phenomena represent, not necessarily a crime to be denounced, but rather an economedical condition to be ameliorated, lest this countries existing antagonistic social factions continue to revile and possible continue to violently oppose one other, and I hope that I am not alone when I state unequivocally that I don't want to see that happen ever again.
For those, and other reasons (such as the fact that there exists a glaring inefficiency in the current, generally accepted method of underwriting corporate stock here in the United States of America) I would like to propose a:
New, Hypothetical, Corporate Stock Structure
The reason why I propose a new arrangement is because historically when shares of corporate stock are issued in this country, they bundle two separate, distinct rights into the power conferred upon the owners of each share, with those rights being:
A receipt of a proportional percentage of the profits derived from the business activities of that corporation,
Proportional voting rights at that corporations annual shareholders meeting.
(At certain shareholders meetings, voting takes place to determine who will lead the corporation by serving on its board of directors as the Chief Executive Officer (C.E.O.), its Vice President, it's Chief Financial Officer (C.F.O.) and sometimes other officers. Once all of the corporations officers have been elected, the C.E.O., along with his or her fellow elected officers, then determine what that company will do on a daily basis to achieve its business objectives.
Since many owners of huge numbers of shares of corporate stock often retain ownership of that stock because they are more afraid of losing administrative control of their corporations than they are in relinquishing control of the excess billions of dollars that they own, but do not need to spend, I have conceived of an arrangement in which corporate stock could be issued as two different types of shares, separating the functions of administrative voting control, and legal entitlement to a proportional percentage of that corporations profits.)
By reissuing the shares of stock of a corporation into two series of shares, with each series conferring upon the owners of that particular series only one of the two rights outlined above, men and women who founded their own (subsequently very successful) corporations, and who found themselves in the position of owning billions of more dollars worth of stock shares (valued far in excess of the amount of money that they will ever need to pay their living expenses) will be free to donate a percentage of the series of stock shares entitling the owner of such shares to a proportional percentage of that corporations profits to others (such as to a charity), while at the same time being able to retain ownership of the series of shares entitling them to legal, administrative control over that particular company... something which was largely impossible under the historically accepted arrangement structured under most traditional underwritings of corporate stock.
If you would like to consult with to determine whether you (or your company) may be able to benefit from underwriting corporate stock under such new, more flexible arrangements, feel free to navigate to the "More" page of this website where you will see an embedded, fillable form through which you can send me a message, and we'll see if we can work together for our mutual contentment or improvement.
While on the topic of economic inequality, I can't help but mention that although in the past it was considered unConstitutional to imprison people for being too poor to pay their fines or court costs, it is no longer. Sadly "debtors prison" appears to be making a comeback, as you can see for yourself by clicking on the following link:
However I think such debt based imprisonment is unConstitutional, because fixed amount monetary fines are regressive (in that they represent a disproportionate burden upon poor people) because a fixed number of dollars represents a greater percentage of a poor persons wealth or income as compared to a rich persons wealth or income, and thus such fines are a form of discrimination against the poor, and such forms of discrimination are forbidden by our nations laws.
And rightfully so, because punishments levied in ways that cause poor people to fear breaking laws more than rich people is fundamentally unjust, because no one should feel as they are able to violate our nations laws with impunity simply because they are wealthy, just as no one should have to live in mortal fear of breaking those same laws simply because they are monetarily poor.
So, for those reasons I believe that fixed dollar amount monetary fines represent a pernicious form of economic discrimination, and according to most reasonable interpretations of our nations Constitution, all such forms of discrimination are illegal, and thus, they should not be allowed.
To make matters worse, being confined in prison not only wastes the accused persons time in the event that they are found to be innocent, but the mere experience of being confined to prison may psychologically traumatize them, making it more difficult for them to regain their status as a contributing member of society or for them to earn, or accumulate the money necessary to pay their fines, or court costs, effectively permanently marginalizing them for something they may, or may not, have done.
While confined in prison as a result of being charged with still unproven offenses, some people can also lose their jobs, their homes or apartments, their relationships with their friends, colleagues, and family members, and even their mental or physical health.
All of those forms of indirect punishment represent financial, physical, mental, and emotional suffering that should be taken in account whenever defendants are punished for crimes that they may never have even committed, whether they have been convicted or not, because despite our nations and states criminal "justice" systems best efforts, people have been convicted of, and punished and imprisoned for crimes they were later found to have not actually committed.
So for those reasons I believe that all monetary fines levied in the United States of America should be on a "sliding scale" basis, where each person found guilty of an offense should be required to only pay a percentage of their income or net worth, rather than a fixed dollar amount, for a fine.
Until it becomes clear that those previously mentioned extenuating factors are being taken in to consideration when monetary fines are being levied upon defendants in our nations courts, I do not believe that judges should be allowed to imprison defendants who can not afford to pay their fines, or court costs.
On Business Ethics:
In any business endeavor there are at least three main groups of constituents, all of whose interests should be balanced in order for that businesses activities to be considered ethical.
The three main groups of constituents traditionally delineated are the businesses:
Owners (or "stockholders").
As illustrated in the following diagram:
(There are some schools of thought which would also include the social (or governmental) environment in which a business conducts it's activities as comprising a fourth set of constituents, and I agree, although I do sometimes differ with others as to exactly how far the delineation of the borders of such consideration should (or must) extend, particularly when it comes to issues of legality).
I worked during a time when economic fraud in our nations business realm was epidemic, and while such "white-collar" thefts were occurring with a frequency unprecedented in at least one hundred years of our nations history, a significant percentage of the people working in our nations federal government not only did little to prevent it, but actually instead (knowinlgy or unknowingly) made themselves willing accomplices to what was apparently some of the most massive financial fraud this country has ever seen.
In doing so they (intentionally or unintentionally) empowered individuals from among our nations former corporate "elite" who short sightedly "borrowed" many tens of billions of dollars from among some of our nations poorest people, in part by unwisely reducing "capital gains" taxes on the profitable sales of corporate stock to merely 15%, while most working professionals and trades people were paying a higher (and sometimes much higher) rate on their progressively weakening salaries.
At the same time many of their boosters on talk radio and in our nations mass media apparatus were advocating for decreases in poor peoples monthly food stamp ("s.n.a.p.") benefits allowances, which many families in this country desperately rely upon to feed their hungry children, or their depressed, recently "downsized", or unemployed selves.
The financial corruption that plagued our nation for at least a decade reached it's zenith during the banking crisis of the late 2000's, which saw the financial failure of some of our nations largest investment banks and insurance companies, which were unknowingly recapitalized through coercion of our nations President, who appears to have only approved of the plan out of fear or ignorance of what he was actually legitimizing.
Since it has come to light that some of the members of the board of directors of some of the largest private investment banks in our nation have previously sat on the board of directors of our nations central, Federal Reserve Bank, and since such a phenomenon represents a clear conflict of interest to most people who understand the ramifications of such incestuous arrangements between the banking and governmental sectors of our nations power structure, I would like to propose legislation requiring a "Separation of Bank and State".
Since the Separation of Church and State was one of the revolutionary, founding principles upon which the federal government of this nation was based, such a proposal for a similar division between the banking and regulatory apparatus of our nations functionopoly seems, to me, to be a natural progression away from monarchy.
One very helpful book I read is titled:
"How to Get Control of Your Time, and Your Life"
by: Alan Lakein
It discusses topics such as:
Maximizing your effectiveness by segmenting your days into 90 minute time blocks, which research has shown is normally the maximum amount of time most hueman beings can focus on one task without a break, or a significant decrease in their effectiveness at completing a particular task.
the "80/20 rule": a useful generalization which theorizes that:
"80% of your problems derive from just 20% of your actions",
"80% of your businesses revenues will come from just 20% of your customers",
and my personal contribution to his concepts:
80% of your businesses complaints will come from just 20% of your customers.
The insights I gained from reading this book helped me to pinpoint which of my behaviors were causing me to derive disproportionate benefit or detriment, and subsequently which ones to repeat, and which ones to cease, in order to obtain better results from my efforts.
One very well known inspirational book is titled:
"The Road Less Traveled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values, and Spiritual Growth"
by: M. Scott Peck
I recall being taught in a University physics course that:
"Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but only transferred from one form to another".
That is incorrect.
Energy is created when two atoms fuse together, such as when two atoms of Hydrogen combine to form Helium:
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